Junior Pope: Police recovers three more bodies

Nigerian Police

Three more bodies have been recovered following the boat accident that claimed the life of well-known Nollywood actor Junior Pope Odonwodo, the Anambra State police disclosed.

Junior Pope and three other actors lost their lives as their boat capsized in Anam River, Anambra State while returning from a filming location for the movie “Another Side of Life.”

Following the boat accident, some crew members were still missing, but three additional movie cast members’ bodies have been found, according to Tochukwu Ikenga, the spokesperson for the police command.

“Marine Police of Anambra State Command has recovered bodies of the three remaining victims of the unfortunate boat accident involving a movie cast,” Ikenga said in a Friday statement.

“Two of the bodies were recovered yesterday 11th April, 2024 while the last was washed in by the tide this morning.”

Ikenga also disclosed that the bodies have been deposited at a morgue in Asaba, Delta State,

Meanwhile, the state’s police commissioner, Aderemi Adeoye, said the force is fast-tracking the investigation into the accident.

The Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) banned all movie shoots involving riverine areas and boat rides.

It also suspended filmmaker Adamma Luke, who was producing the ill-fated movie.
“The leadership of the Guild has taken the following decisions: (1) All films that involve riverine areas and boat riding are at this moment suspended indefinitely, (2) no shoot on all locations nationwide on Thursday, 11 April 2024,” AGN president Emeka Rollas said Thursday.

“(3)The film titled ‘Another Side of Life’ is suspended indefinitely (4) No actor is allowed to work with Adamma Luke as a producer till further notice. (5) While we keep searching for the bodies of the remaining persons, may their souls rest in peace.”


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