Kaduna: 10 kids die as govt confirms diaphtheria outbreak in Kafanchan

A Diphtheria patient

Declares emergency on health, summons medical experts to investigate

The Kaduna State Government has confirmed the outbreak of Diphtheria disease in Kafanchan, IN Jema’a Local Council of the state, adding that no fewer than 10 children have died, while others were hospitalised.

Meanwhile, the state Governor, Senator Uba Sani, has directed the medical team in the State Ministry of Health to immediately investigate the cause of the disease, and ensure that it did not spread to other parts of the state.

A statement by the Chief Press Secretary to the Governor, Muhammad Lawal Shehu, read: “The Kaduna State Ministry of Health on Thursday, July 20, 2023 confirmed cases of the Diphtheria disease in some communities in Kafanchan, Jema’a Local Council,” pointing out that “this confirmation comes after several reports were made about residents in Takau Ward, Kafanchan A and Kafanchan B wards, exhibiting symptoms listed as ’’difficulty in breathing, high fever, cough, general body weakness, sore throat, and neck swelling.”

“Upon learning about the unfortunate loss of lives in the affected communities, Governor Uba Sani, immediately directed the Kaduna State Ministry of Health to send an emergency team to investigate those cases.”
“ A preliminary report from the ministry revealed that the outbreak of Diphtheria in Kafanchan had its first recorded case in the beginning of July 2023.”

“Governor Sani, while commending the health officials for their prompt response to the health emergency, urged them to carry out their tasks diligently to ensure that the disease is contained and subsequently eradicated.”

He added: “Actions taken by the ministry so far include the movement of affected cases to adequately equipped hospitals for proper management, active case searches, contact tracing and intensive community sensitization in all affected communities and surrounding areas.

“In line with these efforts, residents of Kaduna State are advised to take steps to prevent the spread of the disease and protect our communities. Residents should ensure that they wash their hands frequently with soap and water.

“They should avoid close contact with people who are sick. They should cover their mouths and noses when coughing or sneezing, stay at home from work or school if they are sick. They should also be active and walk everyday to boost immunity.They should also report any suspected cases of Diphtheria in their surrounding communities”.



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