Kaduna court jails armed bandit for 21 years 

 Gov swears in Grand Khadi, vows to fight graft among judges 
Kaduna State High Court 2 sitting at GRA Zaria has jailed a kidnapper, one Mohammed Aminu of Pan Daudu Village, Igabi Local Council, for 21 years.

Aminu was convicted and sentenced on two counts of illegal possession of AK-47 and kidnapping, thereby contravening Section 393 of the Kaduna State Penal Code 2017.

The second charge was illegal possession of rifle and cattle rustling, an offence under Section 272 Kaduna State Law of 2017.

Delivering his judgment, Justice Rabi Oladoja said: “Mohammed Aminu is, hereby, convicted of the offence of abetment, contrary to Section 45 of the Penal Code Law 2017 and to serve 21 years in correctional facilities.

MEANWHILE, Governor Uba Sani of Kaduna has frowned on the activities of lower and Sharia courts judges in the state, saying he would partner anti-graft agencies to curb the excesses of the judiciary.

The governor stated this at Sir Kashim Ibrahim House, Kaduna, yesterday, while swearing in the newly appointed Grand Khadi of Kaduna, Mohammed Danjuma.

Specifically, the governor said his administration would strengthen its cooperation with the agencies to fight corruption in the state’s judiciary and civil service.

According to him, complaints from the grassroots about untoward activities of the lower courts judges are unacceptable.

Sani, however, tasked the new Grand Khadi to work assiduously to strengthen discipline of the staff of the Sharia Court of Appeal, particularly those of the lower courts, who are the closest judges to the masses.

He said: “I thank the National Judicial Council (NJC) for recommending the highly experienced legal practitioner and distinguished scholar of Islamic Law to us for appointment as the Grand Khadi. I am confident that the new Grand Khadi will position the Sharia Court of Appeal and make it a true temple of justice for Kaduna citizens.

“Our administration is committed to ensuring the rule of law and independence of the judiciary in Kaduna. We shall continue to give the judiciary the support it needs to perform optimally and ensure access to justice for our citizens. However, to serve our people better and advance social justice, there must be synergy between the executive and the judiciary.”

On his part, Danjuma pledged to ensure discipline in the Shariah justice system in the state.
