Kaduna Internal Revenue Service targets N62bn in 2024 — Official

Kaduna State Internal Revenue Service

The Kaduna State Internal Revenue Service (KADIRS), says it is targeting N62 billion Internally Generated Revenue (IGR) in 2024.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), reports that Gov. Uba Sani, in his 2024 “Budget of Rural Transformation and Inclusive Development”, set an annual IGR target of about N120 billion.

NAN also reports that Sani has saddled KADIRS with the direct responsibility of generating over N5.8 billion, which represents 47.33 per cent of the state’s IGR target.

Sani also saddled KADIRS, while working in collaboration with other revenue generating MDAs to generate another N63.2 billion, which represents 52.66 per cent of the state’s IGR target.

Speaking at the KADIRS two-day Annual Performance Review and Strategic Retreat on Wednesday in Zaria, the Executive Chairman of the service, Mr Jerry Adams, said in previous years, they stretched and always achieved the target of IGR given to them by the government.

He stressed that KADIRS would continuously leverage and deploy emerging ICT solutions and data management systems that would enhance revenue collection, tracking, optimization and efficient

Adams added that through the standing committee on digital transformation and integration of all revenue lines and creating seamless channel of tax and revenue payments, the service has
enhanced tax payer relationships and compliance at every touchpoint in the discharge of their functions.

He said that the innovative ICT solutions they leveraged on, which is the Central Billing System, and Big Data Single Window, provide a 360-degree view of every single revenue stream.

Adams explained that the systemempowered taxpayers to file returns online without single paper or
physical presence in the KADIRS tax offices, which also allows the service to collect taxes due from those returns electronically.

Speaking further, the executive chairman said that members of staff of the service were the most valuable assets in the service’ system.

He, thereforer, said he valued the human capacity building of all the staff across every cadre.

“We equally believe that there should be compensation and incentives for hard working and high performers and proper disciplinary measures for erring and non performing staff to instill a sense of commitment and discipline in the workforce,”he said.

Adams, therefore, stressed that the retreat was aimed at taking
inventory of KADIRS activities and performance in the preceding year as well as strategise, brace up, and prepare for the collective goals of the new fiscal year which is very important to them as a service’.

He also said it was aimed at reviewing its performance in the preceding year, to identify successes, problems and challenges and realign for
a better future.

He restated KADIRS’s commitment in ensuring tackling of possible tax leakages, which would enable realisation of their set target.

Adams disclosed that the service was also working on launching the Central Billing System and Business Reporting Dashboard, which would all help them block revenue leakages.

The executive chairman called on the management and staff of KADIRS to get prepared to intensify efforts towards the achievement of the goals and targets that would be jointly set out in
the retreat.

He urged them to be exemplary, transparent. prudent and meticulous in discharging their lawful duties, while also treating taxpayers with decorum and civility in all transactions under their purview.

The executive chairman also called on the citizens to ensure compliance in paying their taxes to benefit more from the government’s development projects and other amenities.

He thanked Sani for his prompt and decisive actions as well as support in surmounting their problems.

Earlier, Sani said he placed the citizens as his first priorities in his administration which underscored his “SUSTAIN” agenda.

Sani, represented by his Special Adviser on Revenue Matters, Alhaji Umar Waziri, therefore said the SUSTAIN agenda needed the support of revenue.

Sani said that this underscored the importance of the retreat which was fashioned towards improved revenue generation in the state.

He stressed that the IGR would help in actualising his desire to transform the citizenry and deliver dividends of democracy to them.

Sani recalled that the previous administration had seen massive infrastructural development, while assuring the citizens of his commitment in doing more particularly in rural areas.

“This is why the year’s budget is called the budget of rural transformation and inclusive development. The focus will be in rural areas, and very soon the citizens will see that,”he said.

Sani commended members of staff of KADIRS for their hard work and dedication, while charging them to do more towards realisation of their set objectives.



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