Kaduna PDP rallies other opposition parties to oust APC

Ahead of the governorship and House of Assembly elections on March 11, 2023, the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Kaduna State has called on other opposition political parties to close ranks with the PDP to wrest power from the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in the state.

The move followed the success recorded by PDP at the polls, winning 14 out of the 23 local councils with 554,360 votes, against APC’s 399,293.

Chairman of Kaduna PDP, Hassan Hyet, while addressing journalists at the party’s secretariat, commended the people for their support during the presidential and National Assembly elections, urging them to keep the flag flying.

According to him, the defeat suffered by the APC in the state was a sign of people’s rejection of the APC-led government in Kaduna.

The PDP chairman advised the people not to relent in their determination, but repeat same feat by voting massively for PDP in the gubernatorial and Assembly elections.

He said: “I want to thank the good people of Kaduna for coming out en masse to vote for PDP. I am proud to say that the influence and confidence of Kaduna people were clearly demonstrated by the outcome of the elections.

“For the first time in history, PDP clinched the three senatorial seats, and 10 out the 16 federal constituencies in the state. More to that, in 2019 general elections, PDP produced the highest number of votes for our presidential candidate, and same was repeated in the last elections,” PDP chairman noted.

Hyet further explained Kaduna PDP was working hard to maintain the lead and win at the coming elections.


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