Kano Mosque killing: Yusuf vows to sign suspect’s death warrant if convicted

Governor Abba Kabiru Yusuf. Photo: Twitter

.Atiku, Obi sympathise with victims

Governor Abba Kabir Yusuf has vowed to sign the death warrant of one Shafiu Abubakar if convicted of murder in the Mosque explosion at Gadan Village, Gezawa Local Council of the state.

Abubakar was arrested after setting the local mosque ablaze on Wednesday during the early morning prayers, leaving 24 members of a family in critical condition.
Meanwhile, Kano State Police Command has said that about 17 people have so far lost their lives in the incident.

The governor, who issued the threat, yesterday, when he paid a sympathy visit to the surviving victims at the Murtala Specialist Hospital, explained that the state government is willing to pursue the matter to its logical conclusion.

Against negative insinuations, the governor disclosed that the incident had nothing to do with terrorism and political violence. He insisted that the incident was a devilish act of Abubakar, who failed to pursue his grievance with family members lawfully.

Yusuf explained that Abubakar would be taken to Shariah Court to face the consequences of his action, adding that the state government would not hesitate to carry out the decision of the court on the matter.

Meanwhile, an upper Shariah Court in Kano has remanded Abubakar in prison.
Arraigned before the Shariah Court Judge, Halhalatu Zakariya, yesterday, Kano State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice Haruna Isa Dederi, brought the suspect on three count charges of mischief by fire, causing grievous hurt and culpable homicide.

Although the suspect pleaded guilty as charged, the court adjourned the criminal matter for lack of defense counsel. The Shariah Judge directed the Attorney General to provide the suspect with legal representation before the next adjourned date slated for May 31, 2024.

Meanwhile, former Vice President (VP), Atiku Abubakar, and the presidential candidate of the Labour Party in the 2013 general election, Peter Obi, have commiserated with victims of the incident and their families. The former VP took to his X handle (formerly Twitter) to condemn the killing, saying such has no place in the society.
He wrote: “I am deeply saddened by the horrendous arson involving 23 people, who were burnt alive while praying in a Mosque in Kano.
On his part, Obi visited the victims. The former Anambra Governor posted pictures of the victims who were lying in hospital beds with various degrees of injuries on his verified X handle yesterday.

He wrote: “I visited Murtala Mohammed Hospital in Kano to sympathise with those injured and receiving treatment at the hospital.”

The visit was to physically show solidarity with the wounded, offer support, and wish them a speedy recovery, as well as to thank and encourage the management of the hospital.

“And most importantly, it was to send a message to the victims that we stand together in condemnation of any senseless act of violence and killing in our country.”


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