Keep Him Wanting More Of You

RelationshipFINALLY, you have managed to draw the attention of your crush, and I would assume you want to make sure things stay the same way right?

It is only normal for every woman to want the heat to remain the way it first started, but that could be hard sometimes.

Just remember, getting a guy interested and keeping him interested is not the same thing. Many women tend to make mistakes that only drive the men away.

Do not fret; he can be yours, but to make that possible, you just need to follow these techniques I learnt over the years.

These techniques are ways to keep a guy interested in you for a very long time.

Do Not Be An Open Book
Guys love mystery, and so you always want to be mysterious. Do not let this new guy learn everything about you, ever! Whenever he feels he knows all about you, show him a different part of you, which he was completely unaware of.

This will always keep him interested and he will look forward to discovering more about you. In fact, little mysteries maintain sparks in all relationships, new or old.

Do Not Change Yourself
There is something about you that caught this guy’s attention in the first place. Maybe it is your independence, the way you spend time with your family, demonstrate allegiance to your job, and so on.

If you start changing yourself and try only spending time with him, while avoiding all other things, this will not attract him further. Instead, you will make him loose interest.

Also, do not change your personality. If for instance, you have been a strong woman and you have been able to voice your opinion whenever you think is necessary, continue doing that.

Remember, you do not have to agree with everything he says.

Show Interest
If you show interest in his interests, it can help secure your budding relationship with this new guy.

You may have never played video games before, but if you know he loves it, then perhaps you can invest time in learning how to do so. It is not necessary that you have to love everything he loves, but at least show interest.

You never know, you might discover a new passion, which both of you can share.

Compliment Him
Men like being appreciated a lot, just like women do. So, make sure you recognise the small things he does and express your appreciation. Be thoughtful and genuine.

Tell him he is kind, smart, caring, good-looking, a great date and a great person to be around.

You do not always have to wait for him to praise you. Instead, you can make him feel important. This is very important.
Do Not Do Anything Too Sexual Too Quickly
o not do anything too sexual too early and openly. Just because you are a liberated woman does not mean you have to jump on it.

Wait to know him more. Wait for the conversation about being exclusive and be clear about the direction of your relationship. If you cannot wait, then do not be surprised if he does not call you again.

Men generally do not like getting things too easy and the fact that he did not have to do anything special to get you into bed can be a big turnoff.

The bottom line is, once you have him on the hook, keeping these simple techniques in mind could be the difference between a long-term commitment or a few short dates. Get it?

To the loving relationship we all deserve, good luck in love and life. Cheers!

