Kelani’s Birthday And Dazzling Mirage Movie

IT was the birthday of foremost cinematographer, Tunde Kelani, on Thursday, February 26, and rather than call an owambe party, even though it is not typical of him, the prolific filmmaker called out his friends, colleagues and fans to a small film screening ‘soiree’ at one of the cinema’s screening his latest feature Dazzling Mirage. 

  Fans had the opportunity to meet ‘the great Kelani’ himself. They saw the movie, but much of the day was spent on signing autograph and taking pictures with the iconic Kelani. 

  By the way, the movie is still showing in cinemas across the country. It is about the life of a typical sickle cell disease sufferer, who by reason of her peculiar genotype, is sentenced to bouts of crises, which makes life very unpredictable. 

  It is a story of travails and triumphs against the odds of physical pains and psychological traumas, which a lady experiences in her journey towards self-fulfillment, and it exposes and challenges received myths about sickle cell sufferers in a hard… indifferent and calculating environment.

