Kindred of Amechi Uwani drags Enugu govt to human rights commission

NHRC PHOTO: Premium Time/ George Ogala

Concerned kindred and families of Amechi Uwani in Enugu South Local Council have approached the National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria (NHRC) to seek redress and immediate halt to the indiscriminate demolition of their property by the Enugu State government.

The action, The Guardian learnt, was an escalation of their demand for justice and the constitutional freedom to own movable and immovable property in their native land within Enugu South Local Council.

In the petition filed through the Human Rights Writers Association of Nigeria (HURIWA) and addressed to the rights commission, the Amechi Uwani kindred, led by Sir Richard Nnabuchi Nnamani, KJW (Onodugo), sought redress over alleged human rights violations.

He claimed members of the community have endured injustices at the hands of various entities, including the Enugu Capital Territory Development Authority (ECTDA), and certain officers of the Enugu State Police Command.

The petitioners urged the National Human Rights Commission to investigate, saying: “To the best of our knowledge, the situation revolves around the contentious ‘Centenary City’ project, which is the subject of ongoing legal disputes in the High Court of Enugu State in suit number E/935/2023, between Sir Richard N. Nnamani & 17 Ors and Private Estate International West Africa Limited and suit number E/306/2022 between Sir Richard N. Nnamani & 18 Ors and Digital Crypto Ltd & Anor.

“Despite the legal proceedings, the community continues to face oppressive actions, including the demolition of our homes, which is being orchestrated by the ECTDA, in collusion with ‘compromised’ police officers.

“These actions are alleged to be in direct violation of court orders and principles of the rule of law.”

Providing a highlight of the specific grievances and instances of alleged human rights violations suffered, the concerned kindred families stated: “The ECTDA, in collusion with armed thugs and complicit police officers, has allegedly launched a campaign of terror against our community.

“They unlawfully demolished our homes and structures and violated court orders and legal processes, notably, in suit number E/935/2023 between Sir Richard N. Nnamani & 17 Ors and Private Estate International West Africa Limited, and suit number E/306/2022 between Sir Richard N. Nnamani &18 Ors And Digital Crypto Ltd & Anor,.

“Private developers, notably Private Estates International West Africa (PEIWA) allegedly colluded with corrupt officials to seize our ancestral lands.

“This has led to unlawful dispossession of land, disregarding the rightful claims and ownership rights of the indigenous community, as claimed.”

The community, therefore, called on the rights commission to conduct a thorough investigation into the alleged documented human rights violations, hold all perpetrators, including officials of the ECTDA and implicated police officers, accountable, facilitate the restitution of unlawfully seized lands and properties, as well as provide immediate protection and assistance to the affected families.


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