Knight Frank launches support for golf development


Knight Frank Nigeria has launched its support for professional golf development, as well as promotion of physical and mental health through recreation.

The launch was part of the recent 2023 Ladies Club Championship of the Ikoyi Club 1938 Golf Section.

The two-day tournament, which teed-off on Thursday, May 11, 2023, featured Ladies Handicap 0-28 (strokeplay format), Ladies Handicap 24-36 (stableford format) and ladies and men’s guest (strokeplay format) with Knight Frank Nigeria being one of the lead sponsors.

Speaking at the trophy presentation dinner, Head, Marketing and Corporate Communications, Knight Frank Nigeria, Lanre Sonubi, explained that golf is not only one of the top individual sports that use much of real estate, but the sport also promotes green-healthy environment and a fresher atmosphere within the vicinity of the courses.

“As a stakeholder in the brokerage and management of facilities in our built environment, Knight Frank will always promote practices and activities that will enhance the sustainability of our environment.

This is why we have committed to supporting all the tournaments of the Ladies Golf Subsection of the Ikoyi Club through this year,” he added.


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