Kosoko family dissociates self from Lagos Island unrest

king Kosoko Royal family

The king Kosoko Royal family and the Oloja of Lagos Chieftaincy Family have distanced themselves from the gang fight that erupted in Idumota area last Friday, leaving no fewer than three people dead.

It was learnt that two factional area boys clashed in the area around noon, displaying machetes, bottles and other deadly weapons, which forced traders, workers and buyers to desert the bustling commercial centre for dear lives.

The joint statement released yesterday, a copy of which was made available to The Guardian, they revealed that the fracas titled: “Idumota vs Kosoko,” was perpetrated by street gangs for selfish motive, noting that the unrest has nothing to do with the palace or the family.

The statement, signed by Prince Abiola Olojo-kosoko, Oloja of Lagos (Elect) and Alhaja Mutiat Ashabi Alli-Balogun, Head of the King Kosoko Royal Family, they enjoined the general public to desist from implying in any way that the family is a party to the disturbance.

“It is with great dismay that the king kosoko Royal family and the Oloja of Lagos Chieftaincy Family wishes to be detached from the January 19, 2022 Lagos Island unrest titled “Idumota Vs Kosoko.

“It is of importance to state here that the king kosoko royal family is not an organisation but a reputable Royal / Chieftaincy family in Lagos State and three other West Africa countries. And as such does not have anything to do with the 19th of January 2022 Lagos Island unrest orchestrated by some street gangs for selfish reasons, which we believe the Nigeria Police force are still investigating.

“We hereby wish to dissociate ourselves from the unrest and we shall appreciate that the general public desist from the claim that kosoko is in anyway part of the unrest,” the statement read.


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