Kwankwaso will end economic woes,unite Ngerians – NNPP founder

The founder of New Nigeria People’s Party(NNPP), Boniface Aniebonam has stated that the party’s presidential candidate Senator Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso would re-unite Nigeria and end the economic challenges facing the country if elected, therefore calling for a mass vote for him.

Aniebonam in an interaction with journalists said the party is happy to field a personality like Senator Kwankwaso who has excelled in his chosen career and did very well in all appointments given to him.

He noted that the NNPP flagbearer understands the challenges facing the country and knows how to solve them.

He explained that as a grassroots politician, he also has organic followers who believe in him, adding that his chances of winning the election are very high.

Aniebonam said NNPP is a party many Nigerians should vote for in the general Elections because it was formed by business-minded people, who are eager to advance their business interests.

He noted that many contribute to government policy(ies) or criticise it based on their limited knowledge because they are standing in a disadvantaged position.

Aniebonam said NNPP is the only party in Nigeria that was formed out of business interest, while other political parties have their idealogy based on political interest.

He said: “I want all of you to help NNPP to win the presidential election. Tell critical stakeholders, and tell them NNPP identify with the maritime industry, which also links to the manufacturing industry. We are a catalyst.”

He noted that since many Nigerians are craving for a new Nigeria NNPP which represents that vehicular change is available and Nigerians should take advantage of the opportunity that it avails itself.”Let us know this is our time, let us go and get power and address our challenges.”

Aniebonam who is a leader in the maritime sector said if Kwankwaso emerged as the next president of Nigeria he would bring sanity into the shipping business.

“We need to work for the success of NNPP to create room for the advancement of business opportunities.

“We need a great leader, who will bring everybody together, and unite Nigeria.

Kwankwaso will unbundle some of the challenges we have. He has the courage to do it. There is a system collapse in Nigeria right now, things are not going on as expected.”


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