Kwara governor urges youth to make informed decisions for national impact

Kwara State Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq on Tuesday urged Nigerian youth to make informed decisions regarding their personal development, highlighting that their choices will significantly impact the larger society. Speaking at the 1st Kwara Adolescents and Youth Intellectual Summit 2024 in Ilorin, the Governor emphasised the importance of engaging in productive ventures.

“As you move from adolescence to youth and full adulthood, I want you to make informed choices and take full responsibility for who you want to be and the kind of country you would like to call your fatherland. That is why this conference is about empowering tomorrow, transforming perspectives, healing minds, and shaping governance,” the Governor said through Commissioner for Water Resources, Usman Yunusa Lade, who represented him.

“Whatever decisions you make about education and personal development, hard work and honesty, ethical values, protecting family name, and productive use of your time will determine who you become tomorrow and whether our country will be greater than it is,” he added.

The Governor acknowledged the technological proficiency of the youth but reminded them of the importance of exploring the physical world and making their virtual communities conducive for coexistence, free from bullying and other toxic behaviours.

The Summit, themed “Empowering Tomorrow, Transforming Perspectives, Healing Minds and Shaping Governance,” featured lectures and technical sessions. It was organised by the Ministry of Youth Development and the Office of Special Adviser on Youth Engagement, Hon Muhammed Attairu.

Governor AbdulRazaq urged the youth to avoid drug abuse, violent crimes, or secret cults, and warned against the negative obsession with or misuse of social media. He commended the Commissioner for Youth Development, Nafisat Musa Buge, and her team for organising the event and thanked the dignitaries who contributed to its success.

“I want you to reflect on the theme of this conference. Create a mutually supportive circle of friends. Multiple ethical opportunities exist on the internet or social media. Grab them. Explore agriculture. Learn from one another. Seek help when you need it, and take bold steps to become a better person who will be known and remembered for their positive accomplishments. You can do it!” AbdulRazaq added.

The Summit was attended by notable figures, including the Kwara First Lady Ambassador Olufolake AbdulRazaq, state parliamentarians, Cabinet members, Hon Rukayat Shittu, Hon. Nafisat Musa Buge, National Youth Leader for APC, Hon. Dayo Israel, the 14-year-old Deputy Speaker for Nigerian Children Parliament, Rt. Hon. Ibrahim Zannu Sumonu, and CEO Lahmad Concept Ltd Ahmed Lawal.

First Lady AbdulRazaq assured the youth that her office would continue to promote programmes to help them realise their potential and become instruments of positive change.

“As you evolve as adolescents and youth, I enjoin you to stay true to your dreams and aspirations. Being a generation that grew up in the digital age, with access to more information and connectivity than ever before, use this as a positive tool to give you unique perspectives and invaluable skills,” she said.

Commissioner Buge remarked that the conference was designed to encourage creativity, ingenuity, and freedom among the youth, providing an enabling environment for self-expression, self-analysis, and self-actualisation.

“The state of our youth remains the best indicator of a healthy or disintegrated society. It is also recognised that the youths are the cornerstone of the Nation and are particularly sensitive, energetic, active, and potentially productive,” she said, thanking the Governor for his investments in youth.

Hon. Israel advised the youth to stay focused and determined in pursuing their dreams, sharing his own experiences as a student and a former member of the Nigerian Children Parliament. “If you are focused and determined, no matter the challenges, you will get there and the sky is the beginning of your success,” he concluded.


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