Labour excited as Kwara government pays new wage for January

Executive Governor of Kwara State Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq PHOTO:Twitter

It was excitement in labour circles, yesterday, as Kwara State government fully implemented the new wage for all categories of its labour force.

Notifications for January 2022 salaries triggered applause for Governor AbdulRahman AbdulRazaq’s fulfilment of his promise to implement the consequential adjustment component of the new wage amid dwindling resources.

Acknowledging the gesture of the government, the Joint Negotiating Council (JNC) described the development as commendable, adding that the governor deserves a pat on the back.

“The Kwara State Organised Labour under the auspices of Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Trade Union Congress (TUC) and JNC wishes to use this medium to thank the Kwara State government, under the leadership of AbdulRazaq, for this noble achievement in this period of our economic and financial exigencies affecting all sections of human endeavour.

“On this note, it is imperative to appreciate Kwara workers for their perseverance, loyalty, support and prayers through these years, we say thank you,” the Secretary of JNC, Tunde Joseph, stated.

He appreciated all government representatives, elders and others that participated in the negotiation processes. A school principal, identified as Mr. Albarika Akanbi, in a viral video clip, said the governor’s gesture was unprecedented in the state and should be commended by all; hence he directed his students to clap for the governor.

“I want you to clap for the Kwara governor; he has done very well for the civil servants in the state. We need to appreciate him. It has never been this good in Kwara that a governor would promise and fulfil it in a better way.

“When you get home, tell your parents that I said they should clap for Governor AbdulRazaq. We don’t know what he wants to become, but we pray God to grant his heart’s desires. We are not in a political rally, but when somebody does something good, we need to appreciate it,” he said. Akanbi also commended the governor for the various school renewal projects, which he described as unprecedented.


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