Lagos AAU alumni pledges to uphold alma mater’s legacy

Ambrose Ali University

The Lagos State Chapter of the Ambrose Ali University (AAU) Alumni Association has reaffirmed its pledge of allegiance to the principles and values that define it as an association, through collaboration, innovation, and a steadfast commitment to service, under the leadership of its worldwide President, Barrister Clifford Omozeghian.

Rising from a meeting, under the leadership of its chairman, Rev. Sam Okotete, in Lagos, the body said it would continue to uphold the legacy of its alma mater and nurture a vibrant community of alumni united in purpose.

The Public Relations Officer of the alumni, Rufus Osagie Alele, said the proposal and comprehensive findings of the Chairman, Reconciliation Committee, Mr. Sebaston Nwokoro, laid the foundation for a transformative resolution at the meeting, which guided the members through a journey of reflection and consensus-building.

He said: “Upon thorough deliberation, the congress, in a unanimous declaration, embraced a pivotal resolution of profound significance. This resolution, a testament to our collective commitment to excellence and unity, bestowed formal recognition upon Omozeghian as the Worldwide President of the AAU Alumni Association.

“His steadfast leadership, characterised by vision, integrity, and unwavering dedication, has propelled our association to new heights, inspiring alumni worldwide to join hands in pursuit of a shared purpose.”

“Furthermore, we extend a heartfelt invitation to potential members who have graced the halls of Ambrose Alli University and now reside in Lagos State. Your participation in our monthly gatherings, which holds on last Sundays of every month, is not only welcomed, but cherished as a testament to the enduring bonds that transcend time and distance.”

The members commended Omozeghian for his exemplary leadership and express gratitude to Okotete and all members for their unwavering support, urging members to forge ahead with renewed vigour and determination.
