Lagos govt suppressed #EndSARS evidence, Farotimi alleges

Dele Farotimi

A lawyer Dele Farotimi has accused the Lagos State Government of suppressing the evidence of killings that occurred during the EndSARS protest in October 2020.

Farotimi said this while reacting to a leaked memo that the Lagos government has approved the mass burial of 103 corpses recovered in the aftermath of the EndSARS protest.

“It is so simple so say that the Lagos state government suppressed the evidence, that this (mass burial talk) is coming out three years after is nonsense,” he said on Monday during an interview on Arise Television.

“There are multiple people who came out to say that their people died, people who saw their friends dying in that place but who never saw their bodies.

“So, those people don’t exist simply because the Lagos state government has said they don’t exist, you cannot deny the humanities of these persons.”

Farotimi in the interview also hit out at the Lagos State government on their move to conduct a mass burial for the 103 victims of the 2020 Endsars massacre.

He also slammed the Lagos government for lying to the people of the state for almost three years and for bringing back very sad memories that they are trying to forget.

“I refuse to help them normalize the lies they are telling. But to even now deal with something that people are already forgetting, not only have you denied the humanity of these persons by denying that they were killed, a hundred and three persons are going to be given mass burials,” Farotimi said.

“Beyond what they will want us to focus on, it is critical that we look at the document itself. You want to bury a hundred and three human beings whose humanity you have denied, but you have voted sixty-one million naira.

“That means you are telling us that you are burying each one of them for five hundred naira.

“Even in burying the evidence of your complacencies, you have to still inflate the cost of their burials which means that they mean nothing.

“The panel set up by the government itself was unequivocal in accepting that there was a massacre,” he said.

Farotimi added that for situations like this not to occur in te future in Nigeria, citizens and leaders must learn how to embrace the truth and to speak out the truth.

“The truth is that the Nigerian society, we are far removed from truth. But we will get there one day. It is incumbent on those who know the truth to refuse to be silenced,” he said.

“They have to speak that truth, whatever the case might be, you only normalize evil when you keep quiet. Those who helped them to clean up the tollgate that morning, are as guilty as those who pulled the trigger.

“Those in the Lagos state hospital, management board and the mortuary who processed the dead, removing bullets, they are as guilty as these who are covering up the murder.”


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