Lagos House of Assembly Muslim community suspends jumat service

The Lagos State House of Assembly Muslim Community has suspended Jumat prayer activities until further notice, reports The Gazelle

According to the League of Imams, the suspension became necessary in order to curtail the spread of Covid-19, which is increasing in number on a daily basis.

The Imams also noted that the restriction and directive by the Lagos State Government on all social gatherings is a sure and pragmatic way to reduce the spread of the deadly virus in the state.

“The Muslim community of the Assembly would cooperate with the state government by following and obeying its directive on reducing the spread of the second wave of Covid-19”, they said.

“We are not going to put the lives of our Muslim brothers and sisters in danger. Hence there is need to advise our Muslim faithful to stay away from Jumat Service indefinitely pending the outcome of further government directive.”

The Leagues of Imams therefore thanked the State Government for the proactive efforts taken so far.

The Imams used the medium to offer prayers to the people especially the Muslim faithful who have lost their lives or that of their loved ones in the cause of this virus.


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