Lagos Muslim Community backs Tinubu, Sanwo-Olu’s reelection

Over 1000 Muslims in Lagos have come together to rally support and endorsed the All Progressives Congress Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu for the poll, adding that he contributed a lot to the country, promoting democracy, good governance and economic development.

The Muslim organisations, who met with Tinubu at an interactive session at Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, includes Ansar-ud Deen Society of Nigeria, Nawar-Ud-Deen, Anwar ul Islam, Federation of Muslim Women’s Associations in Nigeria (FOMWAN) and others.

The Muslim Community presented the Muslim agenda to the APC presidential candidate praying for landslide victory in the coming election.
Speaking during the town hall meeting organised by the Muslim Community of Lagos State and Council of Chief Imams and Ulamah of Lagos State, the president, Prof. Tajudeen Gbadamosi, thanked the APC presidential candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu unwavering support to Muslim organisations in Nigeria.

He prayed to Allah to embellish Asiwaju with ideal leadership qualities given to great leaders in Islam like Umar, Uthman and others.He urged him to remain a transformational leader for the entire country, as the community will continue to support him. Gbadamosi added that the agenda presented to him was a request from the Muslim community.

The Chief Missioner, Ansar-ud Deen Society of Nigeria, Sheikh Abdur-Rahman Ahmad offered a special prayer for the nation and Lagos State, praying for a peaceful transparent, credible election. “May our hope never be dashed, may Allah give the president and his vice president victory.

The All Progressives Congress Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, urged the Muslim adherents to ensure they exercise their civic responsibility, as that is the only way their aspiration will come to pass.

“I give praises and Adoration to Almighty Allah for where we are today. The solution to a better Nigeria will be determined by how you make use of your Permanent Voter Card (PVC). We are given only a day to vote and it should not be difficult for us to sacrifice that day for voting. It is wrong to collect your PVC and keep it and expect the country to be better. Come out en mass and vote.”

He commended President Muhammad Buhari for standing by his words that when his tenure ends he will handover to the next president. “There are some who finish their tenure and want to remain in power, looking for ways to increase it.

The Grand Chief Imam of Ikorodu Division, Sheik Seifudeen Ademoritan Olowooribi, said the emergence of APC Candidate, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu as Nigeria’s president is a great blessing bestowed on Yoruba Muslims.

“Tinubu has a huge wealth of experience in politics that is why we are calling on Muslims to cast their vote for him to aver the opportunity of a Muslim Yoruba president this time around.

He called on Imams to sensitised their followers on the need to vote for APC candidates.

The Chief Imam Of Badagry Division Lagos State, Fadilatul Imam Sheikh Abdul Hakeem Uwais Akewusola, said the Muslim clerics are well prepared and informed about the general election. “We have also sensitised our congregation on the importance of credible election in our Friday sermon. This election is jamane to us as Yoruba Muslims, we must not miss this opportunity,” he said.

The National President of Anwar-Ul Islam Movement of Nigeria, Alhaji Mubashir Ojelade, said the coming together of Muslim organizations to rally support for Tinubu in the general election.

“We are convinced that Tinubu is eminently qualified to vie for election as president and to be elected as president of the federal republic of Nigeria. He has been tested and a lot of people easily mentioned his successful tenure as governor of Lagos state and as senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. This wealth of experience is very important for somebody who is aspiring to become president.

“You can look at his achievement on three platforms. On the executive platform, he performed well as governor, on the legislative platform he perform well as senator representing Lagos and on the political party platform he also performed well.

He urged Nigerians to be patient and perseverant in the face of challenges beveling the country and stay out of violence.

“Let us see the Naira crisis and fuel scarcity as a mere distraction, our focus should be on the coming election and March 11 for the governorship election. We should make sure we exercise our civic responsibility as responsible citizens of this country. Don’t allow anything to distract from voting.

The director of Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), Professor Ishaq Akintola, expressed optimism that Tinubu is qualified to be the next president of Nigeria.

He noted that since when Nigeria gained independence in 1960, No Yoruba Muslim has emerged as president or Vice president up till now.

“We have had seven Southern Christians who are either president or vice president. It is time for Yoruba Muslims to emerge as president because Yoruba Muslims have been struggling with persecution, marginalisation, stigmatisation and all source of harassment for decades.

“Now we have a Muslim whose experience is wide and unequal when you talk of political experience.


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