‘Lagos State park management committee not dissolved’


Lagos State Government has clarified that the Park Management Committee is not dissolved, saying that the validity of the committee was not an issue before the National Industrial Court (NIC) of Nigeria.

In a statement by Director, Public Affairs, Lagos State Ministry of Justice, Mrs. Grace Alo, the state government said it set out to correct the impression that the park committee had been dissolved following the judgment of the industrial court.

The state said it set up the Lagos State Park Administrators Ad-Hoc Committee for the control of commercial road transport workers’ activities within garages and motor parks and not a caretaker committee to run the affairs of the Road Transport Employers Association of Nigeria (RTEAN).

“The state government has applied for the certified true copy of the judgment and intends to file an appeal in respect of same. All affected parties are enjoined to remain calm and be law-abiding,” the statement stated.


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