Lagos urges residents to embrace circular economy

Lagos State government, yesterday, said circular economy was critical to ensuing a sustainable society and a healthy environment. It implored residents and organisations to embrace it to reduce wastage.

The Chief Resilience officer, Lagos State Resilience Office (LASRO), Fola Dania and General Manager, Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency, (LASEPA), Dolapo Fasawe, stated this at a forum on facilitating transition to circular economy and building of an environmentally-resilient Lagos.

Dania said: “Lagos State produces about 14,000 metric tonnes of waste per day. We are propagating how to turn this around in ways that are good for the climate, health and the people. We are putting in place structures that would ensure that we reduce waste to the barest minimum through recycling. That is what circular economy is about.

“We want to ensure that no waste gets to the dumpsite. We can reduce plastic waste. We can reduce waste in landfills, flooding and emissions that go into the atmosphere from burning of plastics. We can achieve reduction in air pollution and live in an healthy environment.”

Also, Fasawe said circular economy is “when everybody’s waste is somebody’s raw material.”

“Plastic is bad when it is not properly disposed. They clog the drainage and cause flooding. When you use plastic, recycle it. You can use it up to 10 times. It is a global trend. All that plastics on the streets could be recycled. We can export them and make money.”

The Executive Director, Nondunna Ltd., Nonny Ugboma, said Lagos with a population of over 20 million, provided the right place to promote circular economy.


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