LASEM A boss calls for safety during Yuletide


AGAINST the backdrop of incessant fire outbreak and concerned by the pervading adverse weather condition and attendant road traffic accidents and other emergencies during and after the Yuletide, the Lagos State Emergency Management Agency (LASEMA) has advised motorists to be conscious of the foggy weather condition, early morning and late evening mist, which are usually associated with the harmattan season.

The General Manager of the agency, Mr. Michael Akindele, said because of the cold weather, which sometimes affect visibility, every road user should be safety conscious by adjusting their driving to meet the conditions of the bad weather and desist from driving with high beams, which heighten poor visibility of other road users.

In the same vein, he advised Lagosians to adhere to necessary precautionary measures to avoid fire incidents that could have disastrous consequences. According to him, “they should avoid storage of highly inflammable materials such as petrol and kerosene, electrical appliances should also be switched off whenever they are not in use. They should also avoid bush burning and lightening of bangers and knockouts.”

In a related development, officers and men of the Lion Building Division of the Nigerian Police Force in Lagos Island, led by its female Divisional Police Officer (DPO), CSP Anthonia Tanaruno, yesterday raided the environs of the force headquarters annex in Moloney, ridding it of illegal markets, street trading and environmental nuisance.

The DPO, who recently resumed duty, gave the marching order to keep the area clean after it had become an eyesore in recent times due to the activities of street traders, who impede free flow of traffic. After restoring sanity, a patrol van has been stationed at the area to sustain the enforcement.

