Lawbreakers, the lawmakers

court.jpg-citynewsSIR: A look at the eighth National Assembly shows faces of some ex-governors who have served their statutory terms. These are the same faces that are eyed by the people for reckless squander of their state treasuries. They cannot sit comfortably and pass progressive bills knowing that their past is burning from criminal investigation.

The expectation from President Muhammadu Buhari to sanitize government seems like a tall order. The lawbreakers who morphed to lawmakers have exploited the system and are spoiled by the excesses of power. It will be difficult for this plush crop of legislators to allow the President duly effect the changes the country so badly needs. The agenda of the new administration will serve against their selfish interest.

Not often in a civilised country will one find many chief executives of states returning back to government to serve as legislators. There is nothing inherently bad in the notion except that here in Nigeria, the motive is often criminal. These folks found the National Assembly as a sanctuary. Legislative power allows them the space to situate their abusive ways from when they were state governors while at the same time position for further ambitious offices.

Take a look at any single ex-governor in the National Assembly and you will find the crisis he left behind in his state. These folks are not disposed by their background to advance democracy in Nigeria. All they search for is an opportunity for self-aggrandizement. It makes the matter worse that they have deep pockets from embezzling public fund. The loot gives them access to influence power. As such, they become untouchable.

The best change the Buhari government could effect is to tighten up the loose ends by being brave to enforce the law, and demand accountability from public officials. This may be easier said than done because no one expects to dethrone a tyrant at the peak of his exploit without a fight.

• Pius Okaneme, Umuoji, Anambra State.



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