LEMU Zakat proceeds rise amidst economic hardship 

A nursing mother, Mrs Aisha Muhammad (middle) receiving grinding machine from members of LEMU Zakat committee, Hajia Sherifah Baoku (left) and Hajia Ronke Akinlusi (right) 

The Lekki Muslim Ummah (LEMU) Zakat Committee has disbursed the sum of N109 million to 360 beneficiaries as zakat fund for the year 2024.

The 2024 Zakat collection witnessed a significant rise of about 24 percent over last year despite the country’s economic hardship.

Speaking during the disbursement exercise, Chairman of LEMU Zakat Committee, Alhaji Olalekan Saliu, disclosed that with the support of LEMU members and all generous zakat givers, the amount collected went up from N85 million last year to about N105 million in the current year, a significant increase of about 24 percent.

“I’m pleased to report a modest increase in our zakat collection for the year, a remarkable achievement considering the current harsh socio-economic environment. Alhamdulillah!”

He mentioned that the zakat fund went to eight categories including empowerment, medicals, debt, accommodation, education, da’wah programme, new converts and staff.
“The economic empowerment and poverty alleviation took the largest chunk of the zakat disbursement, with a total sum of N67,545,000. The education category followed with the sum of N15,130,000, and then accommodation with N4,400,000.

“The amount allocated to other categories are da’wah programme N2,500,000; medical, N1,650,000; debt, N2,130,000; new converts, N2,000,000; and staff expenses, N2,350,000.
He noted that the current difficult economic condition in the country has pushed many more Nigerians below the poverty line.

He commended the zakat payers for entrusting a core pillar of their religion to LEMU Zakat Committee, noting they have helped to make indigent and needy people happy despite the hard times.

“We are all living witnesses to the current difficult economic condition, characterised by the persistent devaluation of our currency, the Naira, which has pushed it to an all-time low against the US dollar and the surging inflation with its attendant rise in the prices of foods, medicine, fuel, electricity, transportation, basic commodities, essential daily needs, etc. Unfortunately, these factors have pushed many Nigerians below poverty line, giving rise to fears, uncertainties, suffering, widespread hunger and anger. In addition, the insecurity situation has worsened,” he said.

Saliu also emphasised the credibility of the LEMU Zakat Committee, calling on members of LEMU and other Zakat payers to have confidence in the platform.

“I wish to appeal to all LEMU members and other zakat givers to please use the LEMU platform, which is very dependable and responsible for handling a substantial part of their zakat payments. I want to assure you that our Zakat Committee members who are entrusted with this huge responsibility take accountability and transparency very seriously.”

He added that the committee members took guidance from Allah’s injunction in disbursing the zakat fund.

He urged Muslims not to forget zakat as a key pillar of Islam, saying the same passion devoted to the other four pillars must be accorded to zakat.

He said, “Please let us reflect deeply and remind ourselves that Islam rests solidly on five pillars, the third of which is zakat. We must, therefore, neither neglect nor forget zakat; rather, we must encourage ourselves to pay zakat with the same zeal, enthusiasm, passion and level of diligence given to the observance of the other four pillars.
Also speaking, LEMU President, Dr. AbdulGaniy Olusola Labinjo, in his welcome address said zakat is a pillar of Islam that is obligatory for all Muslims whose wealth has attained the nisab (threshold to pay zakat).

He noted that LEMU applies the shari’ah strictly in its zakat administration.

“We continue to fine-tune our mode of processing the applications to ensure that they are carefully scrutinised by men and women of integrity who see the assignment as amana (trust) without fear or favour. We do not apply favouritism or any undue manipulation or influence.

“Our strategy is to achieve poverty alleviation in practical terms with the expectation that in not too distant a future, some of these beneficiaries shall in turn become zakat payers in shaa Allah.”

He appreciated the Committee Chairman and his team members for executing the task with all the seriousness it deserves.

“I would be remiss if I did not appreciate our Imam for his guidance in this exercise.”

He expressed regrets that all requests could not be met due to limited resources.

“I, therefore, wish to use this opportunity to call on Zakatable Muslims to pay their zakat to LEMU with the assurance that the fund would be disbursed in line with Shariah and the highest level of integrity,” he noted.


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