Let not your heart be troubled, trust God

Adult choir ministering at Mgbidi 2021

John 14:1-3, Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.

God has made provisions of good things for the people that serve Him, both here on earth and in Heaven. Right from the time of creation of man, God has planned good things for man, to the extent that even when man derailed, disobeyed God and committed sins, He still fashioned out a programme for man’s redemption, to bring him to His Kingdom in Heaven. He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to come and reconcile man to Him. It was in the course of the reconciliation process that our Lord Jesus Christ promised He was going to prepare a place in Heaven for the people who believed in Him. It is unfortunate the mistake of Garden of Eden has been made, however, Christ came to remedy the mistake and bring us back to God, our Creator. While we serve Him here on earth to get ourselves perfected, He promised He is going to prepare a place for us in Heaven. The mansions in Heaven, where our Lord Jesus Christ has gone to prepare are for the children of God. Every child of God will get his or her own inheritance in Heaven, at the end of his or her life. Our father’s property are legitimately our own. That is why the Bible says in Luke 15: 31, And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. The background of the events leading to the above declaration is an instructive lesson to every individual. According to the parable, a man had two sons, and the younger son demanded his share of their father’s property. The father divided his property and gave him the portion due him. Few days later, he left the house, went to a far country where he squandered the wealth. As he became poor, suffering without anything to live on; suddenly he realisedd who he was, he repented and returned to the father. He was given a red carpet reception. When the first son became angry, their father made the above promise to him. It is very clear, “all that I have is thine.” He never told him he is going to share with the younger brother who had earlier taken his due. Every obedient and trustworthy son will always have his father’s property. People dancing between the church and Devil’s camp will likely miss the good things God has prepared for the children that faithfully serve Him. The faithful ones will inherit the Kingdom property. When you suffer one difficulty or the other, one disappointment or delay, let your heart not be troubled, put your trust in God, as your reward in heaven is abundant.

The Bible says in 1st Corinthians 3:21-23, Therefore let no man glory in men. For all things are yours; 22 Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; 23 And ye are Christ’s; and Christ is God’s. We should not for any reason put our trust in men, because human beings are bound to disappoint. But as long as we remain steadfast in Christ, all things are ours. Hence, we should put our trust in God, either in life or in death we will never regret serving Him. We must not be tired of doing good. We should be faithful and trustworthy in all the things of God. Any opportunity that presents itself to render service to God and humanity should be utilised and used to draw oneself closer to God.

Hence, the Bible advises us in Matthew 6:33, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. For your trust in God to yield good tidings, you must live a life acceptable to God by living a holy and righteous life. You must first of all repent of all your sins and welcome Christ into your life, allowing the Spirit of God to rule and direct your life. By the time you have established yourself in Christ, you become a true child of God and your reasonable race to Heaven has started. That is why the Bible says in John 14:6, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Our Lord Jesus Christ has gone to prepare a place for us in the mansions available for the children of God. The mansions and the prepared place will be accessible to only the people that have repented, accepted our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, and who are running the heavenly race with fear and trembling.

God has good plans (Jer29; 11) for all His children. We are expected to repent of our sins and prepare ourselves for Heaven. We should put our trust in God. If there is anything against the will of God we have been indulging, it is good we make haste to purge ourselves of all of them. God has good things in stock for you, but you must live holy and righteous life, to enable you have access to them. It is not possible that one indulging in sinful activities should have the good things God has prepared for the righteous. If you are living in sin, forget the blessings and favour of God, forget Heaven and the mansions Christ has gone to prepare for His people. Our God is faithful to them that trust in Him. He will not let them to be disappointed. If you have done anything wrong, repent and return to God. If your sin is armed robbery, fornication and adultery, giving or taking of bribery, you need repentance. It is when you live a holy and righteous life that your trust in God and service to Him will draw you closer to Him, and if you continue to serve Him, you will surely make Heaven at last, and eventually enjoy the mansions our Lord Jesus Christ has gone to prepare for the saints, the children of God. See you in one of the mansions. God bless you!

Witch Doctor In 1998 Predicted Birth Of Chosen
Isaiah 43:10-13 says, “10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me. 11 I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour. 12 I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.
13 Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it? 14 Thus saith the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships.”

FAITH cometh by hearing the Word of God, and without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith in God has brought God’s hand upon me and that of my entire family, as God of Chosen restored my broken marriage after 22 years of being apart.

My name is Sister Ozioma Njoku, and I worship with The Lord’s Chosen Church. I thank God for His goodness, mercy, protection and deliverance upon me. I thank God for granting me genuine salvation and uprooted a strange woman in my matrimonial home and restored my marriage after 22 years. It all started in 1978, when members of my husband’s family teamed up against me. My husband is the fourth son in his family. It happened that his siblings’ wives gave birth to baby girls. But when we got married, I became pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy. When the other women saw that I gave birth to a baby boy, they got annoyed and ganged up against me. When I gave birth to my second baby, God again gave me a boy. As the other wives were giving birth to girls, I was giving birth to boys. They called my husband and asked him to drive me away and he asked them why.

They told him they didn’t like me. The wife to my husband’s younger brother said she would see how I would cope with the maltreatment that will be meted out to me. My husband was against them. So, they said they would attack spiritually. As they tried him physically and failed, they decided to do it the native way. They charmed my husband and he started following another woman, thereby abandoning me. That was how my marriage crashed, and I was driven out of my God-ordained marriage. I left my husband’s house and went my way. At this time, my children were small, but today, they are grown ups. This year is exactly 22 years ago that I left my husband’s house, but thank God of Chosen that restored my broken marriage. This was 22 years of sorrow, agony, loneliness, hardship and labour. Because I wanted to keep and maintain my marriage, I started going from one native doctor to another, from prophetess to prophetess seeking help from them, all to no avail.

It was in the process of looking for help from native doctors that one of them told me about The Lord’s Chosen. It is the native doctor that directed me to The Lord’s Chosen in 1988. I spent so much money on native doctors, but never received any help from them.

In 1988, while I was in search of a powerful native doctor that could reconcile me with my husband that I ran into a woman from Ishan, who was a native doctor. When I got to her chambers, she told me to stop going to native doctors and wasting my money. She said there is a church that is on air, which had not come down, and that it is the Pastor of the church that would pray for me and make my husband start looking for me.

It was a long journey. I visited many places, including the man that was serving ‘Zuma Rock’. I visited Suleija Rafinseyin Barracks, which has a mountain at the back, but there was still no help. It was Sabbath people that took me to the place and nothing good came out of it. It was at this point that somebody recommended the Ishan woman. They said the Ishan woman is the highest and that she stayed at Kotangora in Kebbi State. That was how I met this woman. When I got to her place, the woman looked at me and threw away the oracle she was holding. She told me she would not collect money from me. She said, “You belong to a large congregation, which is still in the air, as it has not come down. So wait, when it comes down, that’s where you belong.”

Then, I asked the woman how I would know the church that is in the air? The man that will Pastor the church is still receiving power, wisdom and anointing from God, and it was in the large congregation that I saw you. Then I left Kotangora for Abuja. In 2005, I saw my old friend, Sister Ifeoma. She had cancer of the leg, but on the day that I saw her, the cancer was no longer there; she had been healed. She explained that there is a church in Lagos called The Lord’s Chosen. “The man of God is powerful and God is using him. As he cursed the disease, it dried up and as you can see, I am free from the cancer,” she said. She gave me address, I boarded a vehicle and came to Lagos.

I thought that after the man of God had seen me, then I could go, but it was not so. I had no option than to continue. So, I began to attend all weekly activities and today, God of Chosen has wiped away my tears. The strange woman had been sacked and driven out of my matrimonial home, but because I was not around I could not return immediately. It was during the Owerri crusade that I decided to visit my husband to know whether he was around. I chartered a taxi to his village. On getting to our house, I saw him at the gate. As I came down from the cab with my apron, he looked at me, wiped his face and was just staring, wondering whether I was the person coming. When he confirmed that I was the one coming, he ran towards me, shouting, “Ozioma! My wife, come! Come!! Come!!! Bia Nwunyem, biko bia nwunyem.” He started shedding tears and was calling neighbours to come, that his wife was back. They were asking him, which wife? Was it Rose that your children drove away?

He told them that the one that had children for him. He went to call his brothers to come and see his real wife that had returned. His elder brother came and started asking me to forgive them, that it was devil’s work. I told him that I came from a crusade and that I had joined The Lord’s Chosen, as he could see the apron on me. He said he usually watched it on cable television, and that the Pastor is a true man of God. I told him that my Pastor asked me to come and beg him; that I had come back to my matrimonial home. I begged him to forgive me for any wrong I might have done to him, so that we could live in peace. I told them that I would return fully by December, since I had come for a crusade, but that he would follow me to The Chosen and he accepted.

Today, the decree made by the Pastor has come to pass in my life. Twenty-two years of broken marriage has been restored, just by the decree of the man of God. It is unbelievable and I thank God for His divine guidance. I am happy to be a Chosen. Sister Ozioma Njoku, Lagos.


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