Let’s worship God in the beauty of his holiness

“Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time” (1 John 2:15,18).

God must be worshipped in the beauty of His holiness. On the day the Lord will appear, some will be cast away. Jesus will profess to them, “I do not know you: depart from me, you that work iniquity.” I pray that will not be our portion. The Lord wants to bless you, both physically and spiritually, but no sinner can see God. You should not be carnally minded, but be spiritually inclined, because the coming of Christ is imminent. Anxiety to achieve the beautiful things of this world can lead you astray. Some genuine Christians have deviated from the glorious road because of anxiety. You may be worried about your life and business, but the Bible says, “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, said the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end (Jer. 29:11). This implies that the Lord will supply your needs at the appropriate time.

After you have been able to achieve your heart desires, such as cars, houses, and many more; remember, after the rapture, most of this material wealth will be useless and consumed by fire. When you think you have achieved all, You need to have Christ and be holy. Living a holy life on earth will save you on judgment day. A day will come when you will leave your wealth and cars behind. There’s a time you will no longer live in your big mansion. There’s a time your family and children will no longer be in your care, but in the care of God. What are your plans for eternity? You must be saved. Work your salvation with fear and trembling and with sincerity. 

Let’s strive to live right. The lust of the flesh must be overcome. Those who are proud, and lust after the flesh, are candidates of hell. But those who are holy, meek, humble, kind, and not covetous, those who have endurance in all areas of life, will see God. When Jesus came to earth, He lived an exemplary life that everyone ought to follow. Paul said: “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” Paul was an injurious man and a murderer but was forgiven when he gave his life to Christ. Afterward, he began to live a Christ-like life. The Lord will forgive your sin as well if you are ready to repent. Paul was used mightily by God. God can also use you for his work if you give your life to Him. We are at the end time. Evangelism is mandatory. Jonah felt reluctant to carry out the assignment given to him by God, but at last, he had no choice but to get the job done. You have a duty to preach about Christ, telling people the true gospel. No addition, no subtraction. Many people are suffering out there. They should be aware of the power in the blood of Jesus. When the Lord calls you to do His work, you must hearken, because you will give account in the end. 

Tell others what the Lord has done for you. Thorough evangelism by our youths, one herbalist was touched by the power of the Holy Ghost, when he got our tract. He came to church, confessed the evil he had done, and received Christ. Before he was arrested by God, he stated that he was on a mission to kill a pregnant woman, but God halted this evil mission by saving him. It’s mandatory to preach the gospel and the Lord will give us the anointing and grace.

This holy way is not for the wicked, adulterers, fornicators, homosexuals, lesbians, zoophiles, idolaters, and drunkards. Rather, it’s for those who serve God in the beauty of His holiness. Be mindful not to forget God, when you start to experience His blessings.

Some citizens of foreign nations prefer to go to the pub than to go to church because they think they don’t have much to worry about. When things are going well for you, or for your nation, do not depart from the path of righteousness. The end of this world is near; rapture is imminent. Are you prepared? 

The Saint’s Gospel Church Of Christ-Hand of Fire City (SHADOW TABERNACLE) Shadow Tabernacle Close, Hand Of Fire City, Olowo-Ina Bus Stop, Ikotun / Igando Road, Lagos Nigeria.


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