Life is beautiful when you understand tenets of co-habitation – Ikedieze


Chinedu lkedieze, alias Aki (MFR) is a Nigerian actor, entrepreneur and investor. He is known for playing alongside Osita lheme in the 2002 film ‘Aki na Ukwa’. He has featured in over 150 films in a career spanning over 20 years. He acted the role of a kid in most of his films during his early career due to his stature and physical appearance. He is known as Aki for his performance in ‘Aki na Ukwa’. ln 2011, he married fashion designer Nneoma Nwaijah and the couple had their first child in 2012. In this chat with OBIRE ONAKEMU, he spoke about his growing up, what makes life beautiful, his career and other important issues. Excerpts:

How can Chinedu lkedieze (Aki) be described?
I love to be described as a gentleman with a heart of gold. I am witty and focused.

What are the values, virtues and aspirations to which you got exposed early in life, imbibed and have guided you in all your undertakings thus far?
I was born in an environment where so much value was placed on norms and ethics. They formed part of my mental development and this aided my directness in decision-making.

When you were growing up, who influenced you the most?
The things I saw and imagined. For instance, seeing Gary Colman in Different Strokes spurred me to mirror his personality.

How do you feel, fully connected to those you love and living a life that is an expression of human warmth and beauty of the inner and outer self?

They’ve always been part of me. They were there before the fame while some found their ways to my heart after the fame and maintained relevance. Life is beautiful when you understand the tenets of co-habitation. That’s the reason I can thrive anywhere.

Which particular day in your life do you remember with fondness?
The first time I travelled to Europe. I couldn’t sleep because of the excitement.

Which of the days in your life do you remember with sadness?
The day I lost my younger brother, Nnaemeka.

Thus far, what degree of achievements and fulfillment have you recorded in life and what are your other desires or aspirations?
I have achieved a lot in my career but I’m yet to meet my target in life. Don’t worry (smiles); I’m almost there.

What can you count as your major challenges?
Of course, there are challenges in every sphere of life. Most of them came up on my way up. The rest are part of life and I’ve learnt to move on with or without them.

What has life really taught you?
Be kind to the persons you meet on your way up because you may meet them again on your way down. No condition is permanent. Be real. Love. Spread love and be loved.

Who is your role model in life?
For now, it is God Almighty.

What do you think should be our durable passport to creativity and intellectual empowerment?
Hold on to your passion. Don’t give up on your idea or creativity. Someday it will put food on your table.

What further contribution do you have as we wind up this chat?
Life is short. Stop hating your brothers, friends, colleagues, neighbours, families and so on. That Musa celebrated with Tunde today for making it does not mean Emeka won’t make it tomorrow. Live your age, and don’t be in a hurry. There’s time for everything under the sun.


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