Life, ministry of a pastor – Part 2

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu

What The Bible Says About The Laity And Their Priest
• Love and honour your pastor (1Thess. 5:12-13)
• Free your pastor from things that will distract him from prayer and the word (Acts 6:1-4)
• Invest in his joy (Heb. 13:17)
• Identify and empathise with the weight of ministry that he carries (2Corinth. 11:28; James 3:1)
• Don’t judge or criticise him (Romans 14:4; Phil 2:14), especially openly.
• How you pay and finance him shows how you value the gospel (Gal.6:6-10; 1Corinth 9:3-14, 1Tim 5:17-22)
Duties The Laity Owe The Priest:
• Pray for him and with him (1Tim 3:1-7; Titus 1:7-9)
• Talk to him about his sermon
• Care for his financial needs (1 pet 5:1-4)
• Care for his family
• Build his library (2 Tim 4:13)
• Follow his leadership (Heb 13:17)
• Take him on vacation
• Invite him over to your home for dinner
• Honor your pastor
• Encourage him personally
• Bless him tangibly
• Don’t miss his preaching
• Be a good stewardship
• Teach your children to respect him
• Keep a positive spirit with him
• Don’t make your priest be in tension whenever he sees you

The Transfer
Transfer is part of his ministry and calling; as he is posted to the church so he will be transferred. There is no specific timing to his location; he could be transferred as soon as he is posted.
It is important that the laity and every leader in the Diocese and the Church understands and be knowledgeable on the transfer policies of the Diocese. Remember, he was posted by the Diocesan and he alone reserves the right to transfer him whenever, wherever, and however he dims fit.
What Can Bring Transfer?
• Church policies; resourcefulness; loyalty; family demand; expansion; vacancies and lack of productivity
Kinds Of Transfer:
• Promotional.
• Necessity.
• Punitive.
• Demotion

What You Must Avoid In Transfer: Envy, nepotism and pressurising the leadership. Never use your position to stress the leadership when transfer takes place or about to take place.
What The Priest Needs When He Is Going On Transfer:
• Prayer; counseling; support
• Organising his sent forth, sendoff and settlement in his new place
• Knowing his new place of assignment
• Identifying with him in joy and in sorrow

So much is expected of the man whom God has placed over the affairs of His kingdom, therefore more will be expected from those sent to assist them. Nothing is possible positively without humility, selflessness and commitment

The Church And Team Work (Genesis 11:1-6; 1Corinth; 1:10; Exodus 17:8-16)
Life lived in isolation is life lived partially fulfilled and in regret. There is a popular saying: “United we stand, divided we fall.” No man is an Island of knowledge or wisdom; everyone needs somebody to succeed. Individually, we can attain a certain level of achievement, but together we can achieve more than you can ever imagine.
In the Lord’s house every man has little or great duty to perform; this duty (ties) irrespective of how small it may appear will enhance the overall success of the body of Christ. In the fulfillment of the mission or accomplishment of the task; nobody is truly ‘too big’ or ‘too small’ to do service for God.

The Church:
The church is the body of Christ, purchased by His blood and left on earth to militate against God’s kingdom variance and shifts. The faith of the Church is like a relay race of which competitors are in team — the runners hands the batten from one runner to the other until it gets to the person with the mandate of taking it to the finishing line. The failure of one of the runners becomes the failure of all. As the share of the victory, so, is the share of failure.
God’s Desire (Gen.11:6; 1Corinth 1:10)

It is God’s wish that men become united in speech and in purpose.
God only frowns at our disobedience and rebellion. When the unity of a people or group is geared towards violation of His will and purpose, (Gen. 11:1-5), it attracts His wrath and what you will witness is an outburst of total confusion. In the plain of Shinar, man’s language was confused and in the upper room of prayer and consecration man’s confused language was healed by the appearance of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2).
Unity among brethren must be pursued by all believers (Ephesians 4:3; 13) and not to be divided (1Corinth 1:11-17). This unity is possible via teamwork.
Speaking the same thing, having the same mind and purpose attracts the presence of God and yields blessings.
What Is ‘Team’?
This is defined as a group of players forming one side in certain game or sport, e.g. football, or cricket.
It is a group of people working together. It is also two or more animal pulling a cart, carriage together. It means to work together with someone for a common purpose.
Therefore, teamwork demands an organised effort among people with the aim of achieving success. If a team lacks collective power and will, they will achieve little or nothing.

The Word ‘Power’ Can Be Used In Two Ways:
• Ability to act- Luke 1:35, 5:17
• Authority to act- Acts 5:4, Rom. 9:21
Power can be by delegation, constitution or acquisition. It is derived through official right or privilege.
Power either by delegation, right or privilege, there must be:
• Oneness and understanding between the person using the power and those to whom the power is used on,
• Oneness, understanding and communication between the delegator and the delegated
Ingredients For Teamwork Include:
• Having a common purpose
• Everyone playing their roles well
• Understanding each other’s weakness and tolerating same
• Appreciating each other’s effort and ability
• Living and not leaving the brotherhood (Heb. 13:1)
• Contributing our very best for the success of the team and organisation.
The principle of unity laid by Moses, Aaron, Hur and Joshua is worthy of note.
Things To Avoid In A Team
• Never claim to be the best and expendable
• Trying to be everything always
• Negligence to duty and gifts
• Selfish attitude
• Carefree and careless attitude
• Lack of love and interest for the team
Areas To Team With Your Church
• In evangelism and mission
• In church building and projects
• In protecting morals and values
• In interpreting the church constitution
• In child’s upbringing
• In good public relations with the state (government) and society — building-bridges
• In being relevant in matters of importance within and outside the church
• In matters of faith and liturgy
• In pastoral assistance
• In family building
• In driving the Diocesan and or Church vision and dreams
Mobilisation And Building-bridges
Every leader in the church is a sales representative of Christ and His Church.
There Are Two Key Points In This Discussion;
• Mobilisation
• Bridge-building.
Our Aim For This Discuss Is To Create:
• Salesman interest and marketing strategy for the Diocese and the Church of Christ for good to others, in order to attract support(s) for God’s work and building the Church;
•To stand, defend, and speak for the Diocese before friends, colleagues, acquaintances and foes
• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State.

Getting individuals and organisation interested and excited about the Church and the Diocese is a duty and a call to commitment and dedication.
The fact of this discuss is that it takes kin efforts to get people on board and excited about the work and vision of any organisation.
• Means to assemble or marshal into readiness for active service.
• It also means to organise or adapt for service to the government in time of war.
• To marshal and bring together, prepare for action, especially of a vigorous nature.
• The preparation of resource for usage
There are two phases that build each other in mobilisation circle.
• Instilling vision and passion.
• Raising awareness, and educating.
• A bridge is a structure usually wood or iron erected to make a passageway from one part to another.
• It could also be a platform or stage over which something passes or is conveyed.
In the context of our discussion, you as a bridge builder must see yourself as the one through whom another person can:
• Reach the Diocese.
• Hear about the diocese
• Support the Diocese
• The ‘gap man’ of the Diocese
• Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu is the Rector, Ibru Ecumenical Centre, Agbarha-Otor, Delta State.


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