LIFE-ND holds working session with 1,000 farmers in Edo


The Livelihood Improvement Family Enterprises-Niger Delta (LIFE-ND), held a working session with over 1000 beneficiaries to evaluate their performance in various chosen agribusiness and follow up on progress of the intervention in the state so far.

The project has so far trained 1,033 incubates out of the 4,250 targeted to benefit from the Federal Government intervention in Edo State.

Speaking with newsmen during the session, the Edo Agribusiness Promotion Officer, LIFE-ND, Mrs. Grace Iredia-Amedu, said the session was designed as an avenue to interact with the farmers and provide them with information concerning the project.

Iredia-Amedu said: “This working session is taking place in five locations across the local councils where the project is being carried out.

“The session would also enable us get feedback from the beneficiaries on how they are being treated by their incubators and where we are not satisfied, we will reassign the incubator to another incubator.

“We want our beneficiaries to get first-hand information from us. As it is, it is only the incubators that give them information and we no longer want that,” she said.

She noted that the project targeted unemployed and under-employed youths (aged 18-35), as well as women-headed households with children under the age of 15 years, “who are willing to engage in the production, Processing, and marketing of the selected commodities of Rice, Cassava, Fishery, and Poultry.

“The project was designed to address poverty, boost food security, create jobs for youths and women in rural communities.”


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