Lifestyle Miami: This community page brings the Miami vibe alive one post at a time

Community spirit has been difficult to foster in a world where everyone is focused on making their way in life, and social media takes up most of their free time. You need to get creative to bring people together.

That is exactly what Miguel Zulueta has done with his popular community, Lifestyle Miami. To bring people together, you have to go to where they are, where they congregate and start from there. Lifestyle Miami began as a hobby, a page created for tips and information on Miami that grew into a community platform that has helped residents and businesses.

Lifestyle Miami’s Instagram page is now nearing a million followers, and more people appreciate what the page has achieved and is working towards. It has been a gradual growth, but one post at a time, Miguel has brought together the people of Miami and built a community online.

Lifestyle Miami is a page that is geared towards bettering the community and the lives of the residents. In 2020, as a result of the pandemic, Lifestyle Miami managed to bring people together to help out those who were most hit by the pandemic. Businesses suffered losses, and people lost their jobs, leaving them with no access to basic necessities.

In addition to this, Lifestyle Miami also organizes clean-up drives that help clean up Miami beaches to make them more tourist-ready and support small businesses in the area. The Miami-Dade County is better because of the existence of initiatives like Lifestyle Miami.

According to Miguel, helping the community in any way he can is a source of joy for him and gives him purpose. It has now become a venture that has helped thousands of people and has grown to cater to people in other parts of the world too.

Lifestyle Miami has taken up humanitarian initiatives to the Bahamas, where they sent boats and planes with aid to help people affected by the hurricane. Through this page, Miguel is positive that many other people can borrow from the page and start similar initiatives in their areas.

If we all join hands in making our communities a better place, we’ll eventually make the world better and contribute towards healing our planet. Miguel says that it doesn’t take much to help people; you just need to have a loving and giving heart and take the first step.

Lifestyle Miami is just getting started and hopes to grow to a point where they can help everyone in need of their services and better local businesses in different areas.
