Live Again Foundation to host unmatched women’s outreach event; the first of its kind

In the pursuit of empowering women and creating lasting change, partnership and funding play pivotal roles in shaping the trajectory of initiatives like the Live Again Outreach. Founded by Enifome Ogbimi, the Live Again Outreach is not just a project—it’s a beacon of hope for women seeking to heal, grow, and thrive.

The founder, with unwavering determination, emphasizes the importance of collaboration and financial support in driving the success of the Live Again Outreach. “Your partnership and financial support will enable us to reach more women, provide necessary resources, and create a safe and nurturing environment for their healing and growth,” she emphasizes. “Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of women, helping them find purpose in their pain and truly live rather than merely exist.”

Partnerships with individuals, organizations, and donors are essential for expanding the reach of the Live Again Outreach and providing necessary resources. Through collaboration, the project can leverage diverse expertise, networks, and resources to create a more significant impact on the lives of women. Partnerships with service providers for coaching, therapy, and medical screening are integral to the Live Again Outreach. This collaboration ensures that essential services are readily available to women in need, fostering sustainability and scalability for our project.

In addition to this, there would be access to HR experts for CV reviews and career coaching, skill acquisition, one-on-one coaching and therapy, legal services, medical screening, rebranding and reinvention coaching.

In the midst of this transformative journey lies the Live Again Foundation outreach, a beacon of hope offering attendees the chance to win invaluable resources. These include 100k business grants for 20 women, 200k up for grabs for 1 mother, free business grant registration for another mother, 40 women receiving a complimentary massage from ORIKI, as well as provisions of free foodstuff, Live Again packs, makeovers, fashion and hair styling sessions, and professional photoshoots. These offerings symbolize a holistic approach to empowerment, providing tangible support and encouragement for women in need.

By your participation in the Live Again Outreach, individuals and organizations have the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of women, helping them overcome adversity and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. “Our project is more than just an event; it is a lifeline for women seeking to heal, grow, and thrive,” says Enifome. “Through partnership and funding, we can create a supportive environment where women can find the strength and resources they need to overcome their past and embrace a brighter future.”

The Live Again Outreach is a testament to the power of partnership and funding in driving positive change. By working together, we can empower women to overcome adversity, reclaim their lives, and build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Join us in this empowering journey to create a more resilient and inclusive society for women everywhere.


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