London Relaxes Tehran Travel Advice

Central London, recently
Central London, recently
The Foreign Office has relaxed its travel advice for British nationals visiting Iran. British citizens are still being told to avoid border areas close to Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

But they are no longer being advised to avoid all but essential travel to the rest of the country.

Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond said there had been “decreasing hostility under President [Hassan] Rouhani’s government”.
The advice brings the UK into line with most of its international partners, officials said.

The move comes weeks after talks ended in agreement on the future shape of Iran’s nuclear programme.

Under the deal, Iran must curb its nuclear activities in exchange for sanctions relief.

Mr Hammond said: “Our policy is to recommend against travel to an area when we judge that the risk is unacceptably high.“ We consider that continues to be the case for specific areas of Iran, notably along Iran’s borders with Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.

