Looking for the one to use in times like this (2)

The Rector, Venerable Stephen Wolemonwu
In history, great minds had said: “Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of uncompleted task,” William James.
“Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday,” Don Marquis.
“Every duty, which is bidden to wait returns with seven fresh duties at its back,” Charles Kingsley.

“Until you value yourself, you will not value your time. Until you value your time, you will not do anything with it,” M. Scott Peck.
“Be wise today; its madness to defer, next day the fatal precedent will plead; thus on, till wisdom is pushed out of life,” Edward Young.
“If you want to make an easy job seem mightily hard, just keep putting off doing it,” Olin Miller.
“The two rules of procrastination: first do it today, second, tomorrow will be today tomorrow, “Author Unknown.
“You may delay but time will not,” Benjamin Franklin.

Procrastination in opportunity is a natural assassin – Victor Kiam
I want to add here that the only way to kill the future is to procrastinate what is to be done today for the future because today is the mother of the future.

Refusal To Step Out Of Our Comfort Zone
That it is alright now with you is not a sure guarantee that it must surely remain that way. Seeing things going wrong in the society and where we belong without saying anything or doing anything because, it does not actually affect you in the immediate does not mean it might not affect you in the years ahead, or in the near future. There is an adage in my place that says: when you see the chicken playing with her feet on the faeces, chase it away because you can never tell who will eat the legs. That is the truth.

When you see people destroying public properties like schools, markets, among others, and you feel you are not a part of the system now because to you, it is all well, watch it; you may never tell the future. When we are satisfied with our present condition and fail to pay proper attention to the needs of the present within our environment, when it gets bad maybe worst, you might be the first to reap from it.

Not willing to be called a bad name is the reason our society is in a bad shape today. Seeking to save our lives, many destinies have suffered in the future. And because men are seeking to satisfy their belly the good and greatness of the future are being sacrificed. What can we say: when people who are supposed to speak the truth choose to be silent, they allow evil to prosper. What can we say, when those chosen to speak for the people now silence the people? Life is all about price paying; only the price paid today will bring greater opportunity in the near future.

Do not stand aloof, get involved; do not try to save your life because you might actually lose it. No man is actually living; if the system where he belongs is dead.

Missing Out In God’s Plan
Men, who have understanding of what God expects them to do, make impact in their generation. Permit me to say that only those that follow God’s plan and timing get things rightly done at the right time. When you do not know what God expects of you in placing you where you are, it will result to staying in a place only to exert heat.

To every individual, the responsibility given to us in the body of Christ is for a specific reason. Some people think that God have assigned some responsibilities to them because they are the best. Others think that without them no one else would be able to carry out some assignments, while majority believe that it is to enrich themselves and be famous. Only a few realise that it is a chance to be a channel in God’s hands to do the right thing expected to be done properly.

The individuals serving in various capacities in the body of Christ must realise that God has a plan for a specific time. He has called them and placed them in that position to fulfil that specific plan for that given time. Do we know the plan of God in time like this for the church, our families and our society at large? Every leader must awaken to this consciousness; every worker in the body of Christ must also be aware of this.

Right Tool In The Wrong Hand
When the right people are given the right tools and placed in the right duty post, it brings tremendous success and increase. If a man does not know what a family stands for and is placed as head of the family, he will either head that family by the principles he knows, which may be contradictory to the belief of the family he is placed to head or will change the existing principles in the family to the ones he deems fit.

To be able to keep time right, people should be given the right place and tools. If a man does not know what it takes to raise fund for the people and what the people have in mind for raising such funds and he is placed in charge of such fund, he will either misuses the fund or places other needs ahead of the interest of the people.

Do not give what is holy to dogs, the Bible says, but you can be given what is unholy to dogs – Holy things to Holy people, Holy place for Holy place. If the church employs an unrepentant and unreligious man to work in the Lord’s house, it will be difficult for him to pull off his shoes before entering the house of the Lord because he would not know that where be stands is a Holy place even when he is told, he may not understand it.

When you give your uniform to a man to represent you, whenever such a person is seen, you that gave the uniform will come to their minds because he bears your name.

In Time Like This In The Church
In time like this when the fire is no longer burning, what are you doing? In time like this that the body of Christ has become more of a social gathering than a sacred meeting, what do you do as a member of the church? The challenges we see in the church calls our attention to the need to ask for God’s revival. In time like this, when many Satan has entered the church as angels of light, we must be careful of who your shepherd is.

In time like this when sin has taken over the place of righteousness, we must seek the righteousness of God. In time like this when there are so many new doctrines, all in the name of deliverance, you must be careful of what you believe. In time like this when there are so many church founders and some of which their repentance cannot be ascertained and they have no real discipleship before becoming Christian leaders, you must be careful of where you go for spiritual help and assistant.

In time like this when there are so many “thus says the Lord,” you must be careful to enquire who their Lord is before you believe in them. In time like this when the Kingdom of Darkness is fighting and bringing down our Christian leaders, we must make it a point of duty to pray for the church and our leaders.

In Time Like This In The Family
What do we see in the family in times like this? On daily bases, homes are broken; children are forced to stay on their own, what do we do? In time like this when children are rebellious and stubborn, we must not fail to counsel them with the word of God and pray for them. In time like this when most people do not know what marriage is, we must do well to teach the sanctity and sacredness of marriage beginning from our homes.

In time like this when people marry today and divorce tomorrow, you must be careful of who you give your child in marriage. In time like this when the devil has targeted the home as the battle arena, we must never allow our homes to be spiritually cold. In time like this when all that the devil is looking for is to make you lose heaven through your home; you must strive to make your home a heaven on earth, placing Jesus Christ as the head of your home.

In time like this when our children are carried away by every wind of doctrine, we must make our homes a church where our children will learn the truth. In time like this when our children are no longer holding firm to family values, we must begin with as early as one-day-old to indoctrinate them on our cultural and family values. In time like this when our girls are going naked, we must teach our daughters in speech and practice the right clothes to wear.

In time like this when there are divisions in families, we must strive to keep the unity of our homes through obedient to the word of God. In time like this when most wives and husbands are unfaithful to their spouse, we must do well to be close to our partners more than ever and do well to pray together always. In times like this when love is missing in so many homes, you must teach them to know that God is love.
