Luxury share

Aside the beautiful feel and ecstasy of sharing a bed with spouses, not so many people appreciate having body contact in bed with another regardless of family ties or relationship background– siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, uncles, aunties, friends etc.

What you often hear is, “I would rather sleep on the sofa or even the floor than having to share a bed with anyone else who isn’t my spouse.”

This resolve, even amongst kids and grown siblings as observed, is based on a lot of interesting reasons of which individual sleeping styles and hygiene top the list.

Imagine sharing a bed with someone who moves about and tosses their legs subconsciously? Or someone who drools pooling inside the mouth while sleeping? How about someone who does not have a bath before going to bed and smells all sweaty all night long, choking you with an un-breathable breath? Or someone who snores heavily and even mumbles loud incoherent words while sleeping, distorting what should have been a peaceful night’s sleep?

For a lot of people, it’s easier to tolerate these things with spouses with conscious effort to effect a change in them lovingly due to the necessity of body contact in the relationship, but otherwise, why allow situation that makes your bedtimes a trauma instead of a restful one just because there is no available spare room?

The simple solution is erecting two or more beds in the bedroom depending on the space. However, a standard bedroom size of 120 square feet or something close would definitely take at least two single beds that allow each person to sleep separately and comfortably in their way and style.

So it’s time to put this perspective into that bedroom you share for a change and see how sleeping comfortably at night turns out to be an unmatched luxury afterwards.
