Maggy Soas is lead Prophetess at Revelation Church Of Jesus Christ (RCJC).

Maggy Soas is the founder, designer and Creative Director for SpiritandSoul, a contemporary women’s fashion brand based in Los Angeles, California. Our reporter recently caught up with her and tells us all about it.

1. What’s your full name?
Maggy Kria Soas

2. Where are you from?
Hobbs NM by way of Lubbock, TX

3. So how did the love for fashion begin?

My love for fashion has been there since i can remember. I used to sit in church drawing dresses on the Sunday bulletin. But watching my grandmother was my biggest inspiration. She used to make the most ornate and beautiful pieces for us, hand-make patterns and have an incredible collection of buttons. I remember watching her in awe, and realizing that was exactly what i wanted to do.

4. So what was it like, trying to launch your fashion brand?

Challenging to say the least
It takes a lot of faith and courage to start anything. But it was the most fulfilling thing to have a desire in your heart and a knowing that if you just set out and believe in the art you create, you will go farther than you hoped.

5. Tell us about your brand Spirit and Soul?

Spirit and Soul was birthed in my senior year of college. It started very bohemian with laces; free flowing patterned and grew to become contemporary women’s fashion, full of pieces that could flow from season to season.

6. But why fashion, design and styling?

To be honest, outside of pure love for fashion i found the most fulfillment hearing client after client express how confident and beautiful my clothes made them feel.
It was then i realized the gift fashion is to make you believe all you already are. That’s incredible to me.

7. What do you love to do, besides fashion/styling?

Outside of fashion and church, i adore being with my family, cooking, surfing, skiing and hearing live music.

8. What advice do you have for upcoming fashion designers and stylists?

Be inspired but be yourself. What makes fashion great is the ability for someone to take what has always been there and do with it what has never been done before.

9. When did you become born again and what is your greatest fear in life?

I grew up in a very Christian home. Church was more than normal. And by grace, Christ has always been my desire. But i made that decision to give my life based on my conviction when i was 9 years old.
My greatest fear in life is fearing life. I never want to be afraid to live and limit myself by letting fear limit me.

10. How do you combine your duties/obligations in church with your business/fashion brand?

I realized very early on, that i am not just one thing. Fashion, ministry is lanes of who i am. God has put in me things that are to be used, cultivated, paused, and carried on again. There is time for everything God has called me to do. The gift is just realizing when each one is being called up and what lane God is calling me to move in, at any given moment.

11. What has been you biggest lesson since you founded your fashion brand.

Having gone to school and learning everything in design from ideation to manufacturing to marketing to distribution, I used to do absolutely everything by myself. And I thought that was the way to make the most profit. But “time is money more than money is money”. My biggest lesson is hire people to do all things you shouldn’t do so that you can focus on being creative and making the business grow.

12. Got anything cooking specially for 2021?

By God’s grace, 2021 will be my best year yet. Stay tuned. Great things are coming.

Thank you for speaking with us and letting us into the world of Maggy Soas.



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