Maiden private radio station debuts in C’River

FIRST ever private radio station in Cross River, Hit FM, has begun test transmission in Calabar.
Prior to the new development, the state boasted of a government-owned radio station and the recently launched Canaan FM from the stable of the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN).

The station’s Chief Executive Officer, Patrick Ugbe, said the outfit was poised to deliver the best sound in the world and aimed at becoming Africa’s premier lifestyle radio station.

He noted that the station has as its pay off line “Best Music Best Talk” and can be gotten on 95.5 frequency band.
“Hit FM plans to run a 24-hour operation, focusing on music and talk, broadcasting a mix of entertainment news, topical news, sports, traffic and weather information.
“Our vision is to create top quality lifestyle auditory entertainment that covers key areas that people connect with.

Even though the core target is 15 to 45 years, they will create content that will cut across all age groups. We will create an audience-focused radio platform that draws in every listener through novel and unique programming broadcast design,” Ugbe said.

He continued: “With very modern digital broadcast equipment, coupled with young and dynamic On Air Personalities, the station hopes to revolutionise radio broadcast in Cross River and its environs.”
Ugbe, who was Commissioner for Information, said radio is his first love, adding that there was need to give the society classy and appetising broadcast.

