Makinde promises befitting burial for late Olubadan

Gov. Makinde

Oyo State Governor, Seyi Makinde, has described the late Olubadan of Ibadanland, His Imperial Majesty, Oba Mohood Lekan Balogun, Alli Okunmade II, as a cerebral monarch and an amiable personality, promising that the state government will give the late monarch a befitting burial.

The governor stated this, on Friday, at Alli Iwo Compound, Ibadan, after the Salat al’Janazah for the late monarch, noting that Oyo State and Nigeria have lost a great monarch.

He noted that the late Oba left legacies and beautiful memories in terms of developments attracted to Ibadanland and that the government will leverage the legacies to chart a greater course for the city and the state.

Makinde, represented by his deputy, Barrister Bayo Lawal, eulogised the late monarch as an intellectual and successful politician before ascension to the throne of his forbears, saying he brought his wealth of experience to bear on the throne.

He said: “We can describe the late monarch in many ways. First, he was one of the few cerebral individuals to become Olubadan of Ibadanland. He was very educated and an intellectual.
“He took issues intellectually and, for that reason, we know that we have lost a monarch. Secondly, he was a politician of note. He was a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria between 1999 and 2003, and he climbed the ladder to become the Olubadan of Ibadanland.

“Moving forward, his legacies, memories will chart a course for us, not only in Ibadanland, but in Oyo State and Nigeria.

“He was an amiable man as we all know. He was very jovial and friendly and we pray to Almighty Allah that he will meet His creator in peace.”

While saying the state government will be fully involved in programmes aimed at ensuring that he is given a befitting burial, the governor said the late Oba would be honoured by the state.

Makinde also expressed the confidence that with the seamlessness of the Olubadan Chieftaincy System, the next Olubadan would step in and take the mantle of leadership to move Ibadanland to its next level.

He said: “Now, the ascension to the throne of Olubadan has always been peaceful and we pray that whoever is coming in as Olubadan of Ibadanland, will take the mantle from where late Oba Balogun dropped it.”


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