Making Jesus famous


All believers and preachers are obligated to take the message of Jesus Christ to every part of the world and make Him famous, because we are His voice and legs. Someone took it upon himself to proclaim Jesus Christ at the palace of King Herod and he was able to hear about His fame (Matt 14:1). We too must make it a point of duty to preach Jesus to unbelievers and sinners, so that they will hear about Him, believe in Him and serve Him. Doing this, your feet will be made beautiful (Room 10:14,15). The only duty any man has on earth is to serve God and make His name and kingdom famous through the propagation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Every other thing is not important to God. The only thing you would be remembered for when you die is the service you rendered to God (Act 13:36). Until we all realised this, life will not be meaningful to every one of us in eternity.
Believers need to go all out as a matter of importance and urgency to preach Jesus Christ to sinners to win them into God’s kingdom by the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ. The preachers and other believers of old preached Jesus Christ everywhere and made Him famous and not for their material gains. They were conscious of going to hell more than any other thing and based on this, they preached at all cost.
In publicising Jesus Christ to the world, we must reach out to many people in the cities and nations (Matt 4:23-24). The preachers of old did it with so much difficulty and due to their commitment, they achieved tremendous results. Today, we have opportunities of reaching out to people with the gospel without stress. Please, let everyone of us take advantage of these opportunities through our financial contributions among others. We must give and donate generously in order to reach out to sinners, so that, they will be saved (Act 20:35).
The message of salvation is the most important thing you must give to the people that are without Jesus Christ and people that have lost Him. In so doing, you will be remembered and heaven will celebrate you. Do not be used as an agent to pull down or scatter the Church of Jesus Christ, the place of worship and souls won for God (Matt 16:18). No man has what it takes to close the church that was built on holiness. Ask Nebuchadnezzar and his son Belshazzar, you will know what they experienced. You cannot fight the church and the souls won for Jesus without being punished. It is written: “He that kicks against the prick will bleed to death.” Don’t be a hindrance to the gospel and souls coming into God’s kingdom (2 Sam 1:19-20,25-27). Do not de-market Jesus Christ by your actions against the church that Jesus laboured to build. God and His son, Jesus Christ, will never spare those that are doing this to the church. Be extremely careful with your actions and utterances (Ex14:23-28).
Jesus Christ is the salvation of man (Act 4:12). No other person has what it takes to save humanity except Him (Matt 1:21), which is why it is very important that we take the message of Jesus Christ and His salvation to sinners. It is the problem of sin that gave birth to different religions and denominations on earth today. Heaven has provided a permanent solution to sin and the solution is having Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour.
• You can fellowship with us @ Kingdom Power International Christian Praying Centre, 65, Oluwatedo Estate, Isashi, Ojo, Lagos State. For details of our programmes visit: You can also follow us live on Facebook @kpicpc & YouTube @ kpicpc.
We should carry this message to those denominations, religious leaders and members, who commit sin at will and feel it is a normal lifestyle. They take Holy Communion as sinners and resort to go for penance later. They rely on the message of purgatory, and believe that if they die in sin, they have another opportunity to repent and go to heaven, forgetting that the scripture says: “It is appointed unto men once to die but after this the judgment,” (Heb. 9:27).
Denomination and religion have done a lot of havoc to humanity, today. It has produced the so-called GOs’ wives that wear trousers, wig and weavon; paint lips and nails and sit comfortably at their so-called altars in the name of serving God. It has produced Jezebels in the church and encouraged sex-same marriage in the church. Denomination has made people more sinners than other things on earth. It is a demon that tames people’s souls and it is a ladder in which multitudes go to hell. Denomination is anti-holiness. We need to go out and preach to those denominational people that salvation in Jesus is the only way that they can be saved. Take the gospel of Christ to everywhere they are without delay. Believers are debtors to all sinners and we must as a sense of commitment search for them wherever they are and pay the debt of salvation (Rom 1:24,15). By doing this, many souls will be won to God’s kingdom, the name of God will be glorified and Jesus Christ will be made famous. Go and preach Jesus Christ to sinners, unbelievers and denominational people, today, at market places, shops, motor parks, private and public offices, homes and make Jesus Christ famous.


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