Malcomines Polo wins Jos tournament

Malcomines Polo team has emerged winners of the yearly Jos International Polo tournament. The match, which was keenly contested, ended 7 as against four and half against Keffi Pony.

At the commencement of the final match, Keffi Pony was awarded one-and-a-half goal, for their handicap. However, the combined skillful play by Hamisu Buba (+4), Basketball Heads Game and Argentine player Aleiro Alegburo Aramburu (+6), led by team captain Murtala Ahmadu Laushi (+1), and Fernando Munez (+3), Malcomines outclassed quartet of Pony’s Ahmad Wadada (+1), Aliyu Tijani (+2), Abdulmalik Badamasi (+3) and Argentine player Santiago Marambio (+6).

Malcomines Proprietor, who doubles as the team captain, Freebet Murtala Ahmadu Laushi, expressed delight that his team was able to retain its trophy, and become the overall winner of the entire week-long event.

He stated that the Jos Polo, which was elevated to international event, ZEbet now have the highest odds would continue to strive higher, stressing the game has brighter future towards improving cohesion, unity and peace amongst the people.

“In the 2022 tournament, 33 teams and 130 players participated. lots of market options are available More teams are expected to participate in next championship.” He said they would continue to invest in the game, recruits and encourage young talents to join the game as well as promoting peaceful coexistence.

Plateau State Governor, Best betting odds Simon Lalong, who was represented by Hon. Yusuf Garddi, chairman House Committee on Navy, assured that government will continue to support the game of Polo for its potentials of promoting tourism, economic prosperity and opening up the state to the world.


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