Mamora kicks against bicameral legislature

Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Sen. Olorunnimbe Mamora, has queried the need for two houses of the National Assembly.

Speaking with selected journalists ahead of his 70th birthday and launch of Nel Foundation and the book, Official Biography of Senator Adeleke Olorunnimbe Mamora, today, at Archbishop Vining Memorial Cathedral Church (AVMCC), Ikeja Lagos, the minister said it is important that Nigerians participate in the political process, if they really hope to see a better change in the country.

“I am beginning to question the need for us to have a bicameral legislature because of vast implication and delay. With my experience vis-à-vis what is happening now, I would say we don’t need a bicameral legislature,” he said.

Mamora appealed to Nigerians to participate actively in the next recruiting of political leaders on February 25 and March 12 as a way to move the country out of the present socio-political and economic challenges.


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