Man arrested for killing two brothers over farmland in Adamawa


One Mali Emmanuel has been arrested after allegedly killing two brothers in Adamawa State over a dispute on farmland.

The spokesperson for the Adamawa State Police Command, Suleiman Nguroje, confirmed the incident.

The names of the deceased are Emmanuel Hamma Shehu and Almond Hamma Shehu.

Nguroje explained that the suspect had a disagreement with the victims over the farm located at Bori, in Jada LGA, which resulted in a fight.

“During the altercation, Emmanuel used his dane gun and shot the victims, leading to their unfortunate deaths,” the spokesperson said.

Nguroje added that the 31-year-old, who is a vigilante, was immediately arrested for the murder.

He said further investigations were continuing, after which the suspect would be charged to court.

In May, a recurrent land dispute between the Paku village of Oke-Oba, Iwo Local Government Area of Osun State, and the neighbouring Offa-Igbo village in Lagelu Local Government of Oyo State led to the loss of lives and property.

According to OSUN DEFENDER, the bloody clash occurred on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, between 6 am and 7 am when some farmers at Paku village were reportedly attacked by thugs from Offa-Igbo.

It was gathered that the farmers from Paku village were on their farm to harvest palm kernels when they were reportedly shot by the gunmen.

A student of Al-Ummah College of Education, Iwo, Toheeb Adewale, was killed in the attack, while houses were reportedly razed at Paku village.


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