Man Sets Record For Eating 34,000 McDonald’s Burger In 52 Years

70-year-old Wisconsin retiree named Don Gorske had recreated his record by eating his 34,000th Big Mac, solidifying his Guinness World Record for the most Big Macs eaten in a lifetime.

Reports had previously said that Don’s love affair with the iconic burger began 52 years ago when he had his first Big Mac on May 17, 1972. Since then, he’s meticulously kept count, storing every container and receipt.

“In that moment, I said: ‘I’m going to probably eat these for the rest of my life.’ I threw the cartons in the back seat and started counting them from day one,” He said.

From a maximum-security prison job to retirement, Don’s Big Mac obsession remained strong. His fellow guards even supported his record by sneaking in burgers on double-shift days.

Despite once consuming up to nine Big Macs daily, he now sticks to a routine of two, enjoying one at the restaurant and microwaving the rest at home, steering clear of fries to maintain his physique.

Reacting to what people have said concerning his habits, he said; “People who have watched me eating a Big Mac often comment that I look like I’m eating one for the very first time.”

“Many people thought I’d be dead by now but instead I’ve been a record holder for my 24th year – one of Guinness World Records’ longer-running record holders, so that’s pretty cool to me.”

With a daily six-mile walk, Don boasts good health despite his extraordinary diet.

He hasn’t deviated from Big Macs, turning down a Burger King Whopper in 1984, affirming, “When I like something, I stick with it.”


  • Kareem Azeez

    Kareem Azeez is a dynamic journalist with years of media experience, he crafts captivating content for social and digital platforms.


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