Mandevilla: Are Show-Stoppers

Mandevilla-Aloha-White-3IT’S hard not to admire the way a Mandevilla plant immediately turn a plain landscape or container into an exotic riot of colour. These climbing vines are usually pretty easy to take care off making them a favorite of gardeners everywhere. Mandevilla is one of the most regal flowering vines, which produces large trumpet-shaped blooms in shades of red, white and pink. Add new dimension, color, and fragrance to your garden space with easy-to-grow, long-lived vines.

Mandevilla is an evergreen creeper belonging to the family Apocynaceae; origin and native to southern Brazil. It is an ornamental garden plant in tropical and sub-tropical areas around the world. Gardeners in milder climate grow Mandevilla in pots for easier transport in-doors when temperature drops, as they are tropical plants that are frost tender. They need consistently warm temperature to thrive. Daily temperatures of 70 to 85 degrees F and night temperatures of 60-65 degree F are ideal. Mandevilla benefits from warm weather outdoors but cannot tolerate temperatures below 45 degrees F.

Mandevilla is a fast growing climber that blooms profusely all year round in the tropics, and sub-tropical regions. Mandevillas fuzzy stems will twine around supports eventually scrambling up to 3 meters (10 feet) high. Mandevilla is a real climber that loves lattice structures and pergolas. They are show-stoppers as they wind their way upward and around all year. Try it near a doorway, so you can appreciate the exotic bell-shaped flowers up close.

The new Mandevilla cultivars are bred for their gorgeous and long-lasting blooms. Once they are established they require very little care. They are super easy to grow and are a favorite of humming birds. They are perfect as trailing plant for hanging baskets and container gardens to climb over trellises, arbors, in garden beds and patios. The bush-like upright variety are excellent for containers; like “Sun Parasol” cultivars; ‘Giant,’ a natural climber with huge blooms. ‘‘Pretty,” the most aggressive needing support in the landscape or container and ‘‘Garden Crimson” is ideal as bedding plant and stunning as in hanging basket with laterally cascading branches. Mandevilla takes colorful flowery vines to new heights.Yellow Mandevilla

Plant Requirements
Site and Soil

Mandevilla need sandy, well draining soil with plenty of organic material mixed in. a good soil mix for Mandevilla plants include two parts peat moss or potting soil to one part builder’s sand.

Light Preference:
Full sun (at least six hours of direct sunlight) for best flowering especially in coastal areas. Midday shade is appreciated by plants growing in very hot climates, as they can get burned in direct full sunlight. Provide bright, indirect (or filtered) sunlight for indoor plants.

Regular watering is required until fully established, otherwise prefers average to dry conditions, but can tolerate short periods of drought. Water directly to soil during the early morning so excess moisture can evaporate before temperatures drop in the evening. It will prevent foliar disease

Regular application of liquid fertilizer high in phosphorous 10-20-10 NPK once every two weeks during the growing season provides Mandevilla with necessary nutrition for growth and flowering.

Mandevilla require regular pruning to stay healthy. The removal of all dead, damaged and diseased growth and the shortening of excessively long vines keeps Mandevilla flowering and increases visual appeal. The use of pruning shears ensures clean cuts, which minimize damage and decrease the risk of fungal diseases.

Re-potting mandevilla every two to three years prevents the plant from becoming completely root-bound. A container 2 to 3 inches larger in diameter provides adequate additional room for growth. A fresh growing medium rejuvenates the plant and boosts new growth for the following season.

Mandevillas are vines and they will need some kind of support in order to grow as best they can. Be sure to provide a trellis, lattice work, obelisk, posts, screens, stakes or some other support for your mandevilla vine to grow up or scramble on.

Propagation: by cuttings, which will root within a few weeks. Dust the stem end with hormone powder to stop flow of latex from cut and to stimulate root formation.

Grow Mandevilla for its pretty and prolific flowers, beautifully presented against the dark green glossy foliage. It is a fast grower and is a great way to quickly screen an eyesore. This vine can be trained to climb posts, lattice. It is a perfect choice for colorful quick growing screens. Let Mandevilla plant cascade from an arbor, pergola, or garland your front porch or entryway. Mandevilla look great on their own, in a pot or as the centerpiece of a mixed container. You can surround with contrasting annual or foliage plants like coleus, wandering jew, hostas.

Diseases and Pest
Mandevilla are relatively free of pests and diseases, when the right conditions and regular care are given. Healthy Mandevilla are relatively disease and pest free.

Problem: Mandevilla disease problems are usually caused by humid wet conditions and overhead watering. These cultural problems encourage many types of Mandevilla diseases originating from fungal spores or bacterial colonies, but if they’re caught early they can often be treated. These will only occur if right care and cultural conditions are not met. Then your plant may be attacked by spider mites, mealy bugs, fulsarium and cercospora, which are the most common problems you may run into. Then you have to treat accordingly. But from experience this will not be necessary as they are super easy to grow when you give the right conditions and regular care. It doesn’t get easier than that. Mandevilla are interesting, and unique plants to bring the finest in color form to your landscape. Expand your garden vertically with these wonderful climbing vines with gorgeous flowers.

Note: People with small children and pets should avoid Mandevilla because parts of the vine are poisonous if ingested.



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