Many Husbands Don’t See Infidelity As A Big Deal -Influencer

Popular Nigerian influencer and marriage counselor Shamsideen Giwa has given his opinion as he sees married men caring less about infidelity in marriage.

In his words he said “Many husbands don’t see infidelity as a big deal. Keeping women on the side outside their marriages is just a sport, a “guy thing”.

However he advised married couples emphasizing infidelity in marriages he said,  “But infidelity is a big deal to wives as women tend to commit more emotions to partners. So, while you have a husband thinking he’s just having fun, the wife is breaking down and struggling. In the end, the marriage suffers.

It will feel like just a ‘cruise’ and begins like a joke; an exciting joke which you convince yourself is harmless. 

“Come on, it’s not like you don’t love your wife, this is just fun and all men do it. Your wife won’t know”

And just like that a meeting leads to chats which leads to physical meetings that end up as sexual affairs.

Confidence is built and audacity grows so from just one time, it becomes multiple times and from the one person, it becomes several. All this time, telling yourself you are keeping it real at home, after all your wife doesn’t know.

Shamideen believes that men should be aware of the slippery slope from confidence to arrogance, and the subsequent carelessness in their actions. These behaviors could lead your spouse to become suspicious, causing small fights that escalate into bigger problems. Slowly but surely, your marriage will be drained of communication, connection, affection, and intimacy without you even realizing it. 

Moreover, if someone else enters your life, tempting you with temporary excitement and thrill in secret, you may be blinded to the damage you’re causing at home. This hidden affair will only lead to regrets and a broken marriage when the truth eventually surfaces. Your spouse may reach a breaking point and decide to leave, leaving the marriage irreparably damaged.

Don’t wait until it’s too late to recognize the harm you’re inflicting on your home. Seek help and support immediately to address the underlying issues and save your once happy and fulfilling marriage. Remember, affairs bring nothing but destruction, and it’s crucial to act before it’s too late. Don’t let a good marriage be destroyed by negligence and poor choices.

If you find yourself struggling in your marriage, consider seeking guidance from a marriage counselor like Shamsideen Giwa, who can provide valuable insights and support in navigating these challenging situations.

Confidence will become arrogance and even you will become careless with your process making it easier for your spouse to know. Small fights will begin at home which will lead to bigger ones affecting communication, connection, affection,and sex; draining your marriage without you realising it. How would you? Someone else is replacing your spouse!

You’d be lost in the temporary excitement and thrill heightened by the hush nature of what you are doing, you won’t realise just how much you are damaging the home.

In the end, you wake up when the marriage suffers and your spouse either breaks down or breaks free and leaves. Unfortunately, the marriage may be too broken to fix or your spouse may just have had enough.

The thoughts would flood back at what you had, how you messed it up, and all for what? Affairs where you got nothing!

That affair is damaging your home, don’t wait until it’s too late. Get help now. Don’t destroy your good marriage.

Shamsideen Giwa is a marriage counsellor and influencer 

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