Maritime Police arrest two suspects for conspiracy, forgery

Maritime Police Command, Lagos has arrested two suspects for conspiracy, forgery, impersonation, blackmailing and extortion.

The Assistant Inspector-General of Police (AIG), Maritime Police Command, FHQ Annex, Lagos, AIG Olofu Adetutu Rhoda said operatives of the Maritime Police Command arrested the two suspects for the offences of conspiracy, forgery of Maritime Police Command’s official/investigation documents, impersonation, blackmailing and extortion of unsuspecting members of the public doing businesses at the nation’s ports. 

The suspects, who are employees of CMA-CGM Nigeria Ltd based in Lagos, are the Customer Service Manager, Gbenga Solomon, 48, and Erhimu Igho, 59.  Both were arrested after a complaint was lodged that some containers were blocked with purported documents from the Command, contrary to Olofu’s directives that all containers blocked or placed on line at the ports without cogent reasons should be released.

This was to give effect to the Federal Government’s policy on ease of doing businesses at the country’s seaports.

She warned that blocking of containers should be based only on credible information. 

Investigation, however, revealed that these suspects conspired and forged  Maritime Police Command’s official documents, impersonated police officers of Maritime Command and blocked over 20 containers  with four Bills of Lading for purposes of extorting money from the consignee and clearing agents. 

The suspects have since been charged to Court and remanded in Prison custody. 

Olofu frowned at this unwholesome, fraudulent and criminally-minded individuals, hence warned all those who are in the habit of perpetrating criminality and other forms of illegalities at the ports to desist from such as the full wrath of the law would be meted on anyone found culpable.

She advised all law-abiding citizens, especially port users, to always verify from the Maritime Command the authenticity of any purported Investigation Activities or Container Blockage letters to ascertain whether they emanated from the Command or not as the Command operates an open door policy. 

Olofu, further reassured the entire maritime community of the command’s zeal and commitment to ensuring continuous safety and security of the nation’s inland waterways, ports corridor, creeks, harbours, port terminals, the riverine communities and other critical infrastructure.

She also directed the Commissioners of Police, Eastern and Western Ports Command, National Inland Waterways Police and the Force Marine Officer to increase the deployment of police assets in their areas of responsibility for regular and intensified visibility patrols that would further guarantee the security and protection of the maritime space.


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