Mayhem: Kefas imposes 24/7 curfew in Taraba communities

Governor Agbu Kefas.

CAN urges institution of probe panel
A 24-hour dawn-to-dusk curfew has been imposed on warring communities in Karim-Lamido Local Council of Taraba State.

Announcing the curfew, yesterday, through his Chief Press Secretary, Yusuf Sanda, Governor Agbu Kefas said it was aimed at curbing the killings in Wurkun and Karinjo communities of the council.

“The curfew followed renewed communal conflicts in some parts of Karim Lamido Local Council,” he said.

The governor, according to the statement, declared curfew in Karim town and environs effective Sunday, July 2. He reportedly mandated security agencies to ensure strict compliance with the directive.

“Any person or group of persons found violating the order shall be dealt with in accordance with the law,” he added.

Kefas urged all the ward heads, village heads, traditional rulers and other stakeholders to ensure that the directive is carried out to the letter in their domains.

MEANWHILE, Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has urged the state government to set up a committee to probe the ongoing killings.

The renewed communal crisis led to destruction of houses and domestic animals.

Apart from the displacement of persons caused by the attacks, the council has gradually been deserted, as some residents told The Guardian that they had concluded plans to relocate.

In a statement, yesterday, in Jalingo, the leadership of CAN called on security agencies in the state to go extra legitimate miles to restore normalcy, so the people could go about their normal activities.

It also urged the government, through the State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA), to provide relief materials to the affected communities to mitigate their hardship.

CAN pleaded with the warring tribes to sheathe their swords and allow peace to reign, for farming activities not to be interrupted.


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