Mbah flags off another round of palliatives

Peter Mbah

Governor of Enugu State, Dr Peter Mbah, yesterday, flagged off another round of distribution of palliatives in the state, warning against the politicisation of the exercise to ensure it gets to the independent and vulnerable people across the state.

Mbah, however, said that the palliatives were a quick fix and efforts of the Federal Government and the state to cushion the effects of the economic hardship in the land, while the positive results of the state’s economic policies and programmes crystalised.

Performing the flag-off after the inspection of the foodstuffs, which were largely grains, the governor assured that the distribution of the palliatives would be carried out from time to time.

He said: “We have done this before. So, it is an ongoing thing, as we will continue to intervene, because we understand the economic challenges and hardships that our people face currently.

“However, what we are witnessing here today is a short-term measure, what we refer to as a quick fix towards our promise to eradicate poverty and ensure zero hunger in our state. We have robust programmes in place, which will ultimately ensure that we eradicate poverty and kiss it goodbye in Enugu State.”
“We have instituted several programmes to eradicate poverty. Our community and social development programmes, our state’s small and medium enterprise programme, and our women’s programmes, among others, were designed to ensure that we empower our people economically. As the Chinese people would say, ‘it is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him fish every day.’



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