MCSN urges hospitality businesses, broadcast offices, others to register, work legally

Orits Williki,

The Musical Copyright Society Nigeria (MCSN) has urged hospitality businesses and broadcast outfits to register with the society and work legally in Nigeria.

Speaking during a media briefing held on Wednesday in Lagos, Chairman of MCSN and reggae musician, Orits Williki, who addressed the conference on behalf of the President of the MCSN, Dr. Sunday Adegeye, alias King Sunny Ade, who was unavoidably absent, urged hotels, bars, restaurants, television and radio stations across the country to stop exploiting musical works and sound recordings by refusing to register with MCSN who ensure that the creative works of musicians, performers and producers are protected.

Williki stated that music is an important part of life and the hospitality sector would unavoidably use it in their business for enjoyment and customer satisfaction. “We have aimed our legal actions against hotels, bars and restaurants across the Federation, which are exploiting musical works and sound records without authorisation in their hospitality businesses,” he said. One of such outfits is big hotel in Abuja, which the collective management organisation is making a claim of over N2.8 billion at the Federal High Court, Abuja.

He added that supermarkets, banks and eateries are not left out and that in order to avoid legal disputes and to give musicians their due rights, owners of businesses in the hospitality sector must register with the society.

In addition, the Chief Executive Officer of MCSN, Mayowa Ayilaran, urged A-list artistes to register with the organisation for them to enjoy the full benefits of their musical works. “For those we consider A-list artistes in the country, a time will come when they won’t be on the top anymore. Their stay up there is for a limited time and someone else will take their place but even after their popularity has dwindled, they can still earn their full rights and due if they register with the MCSN.”

The Director General of Nigerian Copyright Commission, Dr. John Asein, also commended the MCSN for the success they have recorded over the years. Represented by Alphaeus Lynda, he said they have recovered damages in terms of billions in recent times.

“The Nigerian Copyright Commission recognises the importance of organizations like MCSN. There is no single right owner who can collect royalties for himself all over the world and the online space is the widest space where copyright works are being used. No single person can collect royalties for himself, negotiate and grant licenses, this is where collective management organisations come in.”

The director stated the organisation creates the enabling environment for musicians to thrive and makes sure that copyright owners get the full benefits of their work.

Founder and Chairman of Kennis Music, Kenny Ogungbe, also called on broadcast outfits to register with the national organisation because they would make use of signature tunes, jingles and other sound recordings. “When you hear a particular jingle, you know if NTA, AIT or Channels is on air because it is peculiar to them. These creative works must be protected, authorised and licensed.

An important milestone we recorded was the resolution of the society’s struggle against Multichoice Nigeria at the end of which the latter paid N2.75 Billion to MCSN.”


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