Mediacraft Seals Affiliation With FleishmanHillard SA

edited-medianews-mediaindustry-industry-mediaFLEISHMANHILLARD South Africa, a global communications firm, specialising in public relations, public affairs, marketing, paid media, and transmedia and social content, has announced the expansion of the firm’s offering in Africa through a newly concluded affiliation agreement with Mediacraft Associates in Nigeria.

Mediacraft Associates is one of the leading full-service public relations firms in Nigeria, with a track record of working for high profile clients, and a culture of high ethical and professional standards. The official affiliation between the two companies is the outcome of a rigorous selection process that involved an exchange of visits by both agencies and the joint execution of projects.

Commenting on the affiliation, Kevin Welman, Managing Director of FleishmanHillard South Africa said: “FleishmanHillard, as a global firm, has had a foothold in Africa for decades. We are proud of our long-standing culture of excellent client service and innovation in communications. We go where our clients need us. With the increasing market demand for public relations services in Nigeria from our current and potential clients, we have spent a considerable amount of time and resources to ensure that we find an affiliate in Nigeria that shares our values and dedication to global best practices. We look forward to a long and fruitful affiliation with Mediacraft as we aim to service our clients even better”.

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Mediacraft, John Ehiguese, said of the affiliation: “The Mediacraft team and I are very excited at the signing of this affiliation agreement with FleishmanHillard. We appreciate the pedigree and track record of FleishmanHillard globally, and particularly in South Africa, and are proud to be associated with this enviable organisation in such a practical way.”

