Medical workers union urges support for IDPs

Medical practioners. Image source timeshighereducation
Medical practioners. Image source timeshighereducation
THE Medical and Health Workers Union of Nigeria (MHWUN) at the weekend appealed to organizations, international donors and individuals to support in the care for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) occasioned by the activities of Boko Haram insurgency in the north eastern part of the country.

National President of MHWUN, Josiah Biolemoye, stated this when he led other members of his executives to donate cash and foodstuff worth about N1 million to the IDP camp being run by the International Christian Centre for Missions in Benin City.

Accompanied by executive members of the union, who wept openly as they listened to the pathetic and gory tales of some of the victims, Biolemoye said government alone cannot bring succour to the IDP’s and commended the Centre for the taking the initiative to admit IDPs in the facility.

While also praising government’s effort to put an end to the insurgency, he stressed that all hands must be on deck to address the menace.

“ The welfare of these people must be of priority, not only for the government, but to all Nigerians, organisations as well as international communities.”

“With the situation I met here in this camp in Edo today, which is just one of the several camps in the country, there is no way the welfare of this people can be left in the hands of the government alone.”

“We must all show to be truly our brothers’ keepers by coming to their aid. There is no assistance that will be too small for these people.”

“This camp in Edo is being run by an individual who was only moved by their pleas for assistance. We should all emulate the noble gesture of this pastor as well as other Nigerians that have in one way or the other come to the rescue of these people,” he stated.

Meanwhile, Coordinator of the camp, Solomon Folorunsho, said what he sees in the IDP’s are young and intelligent Nigerians who will move the country to greater heights.

He said the victims of the Boko Haram desire to be loved and cared for and that they are still part and parcel of the country called Nigeria.

There are about 950 IDP’s in the camp in addition to the over 500 orphans previously being catered for by the mission.



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