MICA advises Muslims to put trust only in Allah

Movement for Islamic Culture and Awareness (MICA), Alimosho Usrah, has tasked Muslims to rely on Allah (SWT) alone as He is capable and sufficient for the believers.

This advice was given during the group’s family get-together held at the Rafiu Jafojo Lagos State Government Park, Shasha, Lagos. The early downpour later turned out to be a blessing in disguise as the programme attracted large numbers of participants comprising fun seekers, the young and the old, men and women, parents, families and friends.

The guest speaker who is a former coordinator, MICA Alimosho Usrah, Qazeem Afunku, stated that with the current economic realities in the country, Muslims must look up to God, continue to pray and make adjustments to their lifestyles.

He advised them to be realistic and look for other means of augmenting their source of income such as undertaking investment in halal ventures.

Welcoming the attendees, Taofeek Junaid, stated the importance of such a gathering, adding that it would foster healthy relationships and family bonding. He urged the participants to interact, network, have fun, exchange gifts and make themselves comfortable.

He appreciated those who made it to the venue and prayed they would witness more Sallah celebrations. He declared the event open, afterwards.

On the sideline, the adults were engaged in fruitful discussions on life, its challenges and global trends. The event had the kids enjoying some of the facilities; a bouncing castle, a train ride and others, while others played football.

There was light music, Nasheed for the pleasure of all. Families came with a variety of food as well as soft drinks, too, which they shared with others.

Highpoint of the event was the grouping of the young ones within the age bracket of 15-25 years with a special task. They were admonished on what was expected of them as they are young and vibrant.


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